Forum Discussion

ZubeidaKudoos's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Retry Quiz in Storyline 360

Hi there:

I've got a course with branching for two types of audience. Branch 1 has 5 sections, and Branch 2 has 7 sections. Each has it's own Results Slide. The quiz questions for both are in single slides and in question banks. 

On both Results slides, I've added a Retry Quiz button with a Reset results trigger and a Jump to Question (first question) trigger in that order. The problem is when clicking Retry Quiz, it doesn't show all the quiz questions and pulls up other non quiz slides. 

My course is a compliance course, so I'm not able to upload due to security concerns, but I have added a screenshot of the Results settings and triggers. Should I be designing the quiz differently? I was going with a scenario with questions sprinkled in between. 

  • HI Zubeida!

    When a learner clicks the "Retry Quiz" button, they'll be taken back to the first quiz question, and the quiz results will reset. They'll also see any non-quiz slides that appear between quiz questions.

    However, you mentioned some questions are skipped when a learner attempts the quiz a second time. Are the skipped questions in a question bank?

    I completely understand you not being able to share your file publicly, so we have an option for you to share it with us privately by clicking here. If we can take a closer look at your file, we can try to nail down why some questions are omitted from the second attempt. 

  • FrankLama's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello Articulate Staff

    I am having the same issue, was there a resolution to Zubeida's branching issue with the 'non-quiz' slides appearing when the 'Retry Quiz' action is initiated? 

    The trigger for the 'Retry Quiz' button works, however, when the first category of questions has been "re-tried", the learner has to go back through the next category of information slides, and this is true for the next category after that sections of questions. I am learning the format for creating triggers and am not familiar with how to "jump" from one section of questions to the next and the next etc.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance and help.


    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hi Jody!

      We are happy to help! Since this discussion is somewhat dated, we'll want to start from the beginning. I understand that you are finding non-quiz slides are appearing when the "Retry Quiz" button is selected. You might consider using a variable to determine which slides the learner goes to when they retry the quiz if the quiz questions are dispersed throughout the course. 

      If you'd like us to take a look at your .story file, you can either share it in this discussion or upload it privately in a support case.