Forum Discussion
Revisit Quiz
Hi Judy many thanks for your fast response, so to confirm if the user has 2 original attempts and then if on failing the 2nd attempt and restarting the quiz the attempts on each question should be 3. Sorry to sound a bit dumb on this but I just want to ensure I have got it right, again many thanks.
- JudyNollet2 years agoSuper Hero
If you increase the Attempts on a question slide, the user can try to answer the question that many times every time they encounter the question in the quiz.
- Thus, if you set the Attempts field to 2 on the question slides and give them 2 attempts to take the quiz, they will end up with 4 attempts to answer each question (2 attempts the first time they take the quiz, and 2 attempts the second time they take the quiz).
If you just leave the Attempts field at 1, the program will immediately score the question when the user clicks the Submit button. That will give them 1 attempt to answer each time they take the quiz.
Bottom line: the "Retry Quiz" functionality will always give the user the indicated number of attempts on each question.
If my explanation still isn't clear, I suggest you simply test different settings in your file to see how they work.