Forum Discussion
Rise 360 colors
- 2 months ago
Hello AnnaSompolska and LouisDuijser, 🎉
I'm happy to let you know we released a new update for Rise 360, adding the new feature below:
- Answer colors in quizzes can now be set independently of theme color.
There's nothing to install for web apps. New features and fixes are immediately available, though you might need to export your Rise 360 course again.
Let me know if you have any questions about this update!
Dear Luciana,
Thank you very much for your quick and clear answer! I very much like the way you and your colleagues respond to RISE users like me :).
I understand your idea of changing the theme color of the entire course into green, but as a matter of fact I chose the red/orange theme color in the first place because it fits in best with our corporate color, which is red.
But if I would change the theme color into green as you suggest, I would still have a 'problem' when users give the wrong answer to a quiz question, because then I would like the result to be displayed in red. You see, in The Netherlands we associate a correct answer with green and a wrong answer with red.
Am I right to assume that different colors cannot be chosen as to quiz questions?
Thanks again for your willingness and time to dive into this matter.
Best regards from Rotterdam!
With best regards,
Louis Duijser
Training coordinator
Management support
Industrieweg 175
T +31 10 44 63 851
Hi Louis!
Happy to jump in here!
Yes, you are correct. Customization of quiz feedback elements is not yet possible in Rise 360. However, we are tracking an open feature request which would give authors that ability! I've included you in the feature report so you can be notified if it makes it onto our Feature Roadmap.
Also, it looks like part of your e-mail signature came through when you replied via e-mail. You can remove that if needed by clicking ‘Edit’ beneath your response.
- Here’s a quick Peek video if you need help.
- LouisDuijser2 years agoCommunity Member
Hi Steven,
Thank you very much for your reply! I hope that the feature will become available in the future.
Thanks too for your quick peek with regard to my email signature.Have a perfect day!
With sunny regards from Rotterdam,
Louis Duijser
Training coordinator
Management supportSEW-EURODRIVE B.V.
Industrieweg 175
3044 AS ROTTERDAMT +31 10 44 63 851[cid:image006.jpg@01D798F6.B170DEA0][cid:image007.jpg@01D798F6.B170DEA0]
- StevenBenassi2 years agoStaff
Hi Louis!
You're welcome, happy to help!
Have a great rest of your week and happy authoring!