Forum Discussion
Rise 360: Video file + audio file - play together?
I'm new to Articulate and am hoping someone can help me out. I’m not sure if I’ve missed something or if what I’m trying to do just isn’t possible.
I’m an IT/Software Trainer working on creating some e-learning content. I have two separate files: a video file and an audio file.
I can upload both files independently into Rise 360, but it seems like the end-user would need to press play on each of them separately.
Is that correct?
If so, is there a way to link the two together within Rise 360, or would I need to combine them externally before uploading the video file?
Thanks in advance for your help!
- SonaliKumari-ebCommunity Member
Yes, you are correct in that when you upload a video file and an audio file separately into Rise 360, the end user would need to press "play" on each of them independently.
The most straightforward solution is to combine the video and audio externally using a video editing tool( Storyline, Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or Camtasia) before uploading it to Rise 360.
This ensures a seamless experience where both media elements play together without requiring the learner to press "play" separately for each.
Hope this helps! Thanks🙂- Chris74Community Member
Thank you for sharing, it's not great is it? Articulate has some great features but this is clunky!
To add a video with audio (text to speech) with call-outs on the screen should be such a simple task for a trainer...right?!
- IrisSchlabitzCommunity Member
You could create a Storyline with both elements and load the final Storyline into Review 360. Thereafter you add a Storyline block in Rise (under "interactive") and upload you Storyline project.
- Chris74Community Member
Thank you - that is what I feared I would have to do - just seems a bit long winded to be honest.
Replay is better than Storyline for screen recording/editing so I have ended up recording screen in reply, recording text to speech in Storyline and then putting them together in storyline to add 'call outs' and then publishing and uploading to Rise!
I've been using Camtasia (I freelance) and this is my first experience of articulate but it seems disjointed and I wanted to check I wasn't missing something simple/obvious!