Forum Discussion

ChrisWant's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Rise issues on LMS - Blank screen when re-opening

Hi all

I'm hoping someone within the community can help...

We have a few modules now, which were created on Rise and exported to our LMS.

Some colleagues can go in and out of the module fine, however, others when trying to re-enter the module just receive a blank screen.

Do you have any advice on how to get around this please?

We have just sent a module to over 1,000 colleagues and have another due to be released for 2,500 colleagues, so am feeling very nervous about this.

Many thanks

3 Replies

  • KarinRex's avatar
    Community Member
    Have those getting a blank screen try a different browser. 
  • ChrisWant's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Karin.

    Yes they have - we only have access to Chrome and Edge, with a few exceptions who can only use Safari.

    They have tried both browsers, but with the same issue.

    Unfortunately, I can't replicate the issue as it works for me.

  • Hi Chris,

    Can you ask the users to try viewing the courses using a different browser or using incognito/private browsing? You can also check the users have browser extensions that could be preventing the course from loading successfully. If that doesn't fix the issue, I recommend clearing the browser cache for the affected users. 

    You also want to make sure that the users view their courses using supported browsers for Rise 360.

    I hope this helps!