Forum Discussion

JasonBeazell's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Scenes in Story view are out of order and not left-to-right order

I have a storyline file that worked in that I have Object Triggers that link items to 7 different scenes.  The scenes are indexed in order 2-8, with #1 being the starting scene.  I had to edit the objects in the 'menu' slide that linked to the scenes by adding pictures, and now the scenes are out of order.  Left-to-right they are 2,3,6,7,8,5,4.  It is incredibly annoying.  I've removed the triggers.  I've re-indexed the scenes.  I've saved, closed and re-opened.  I've numbered the objects in the menu slide so that the object triggers are in numeric order.  I cannot change the order of the triggers.  


This happens on almost all the projects I work with.  I don't know what I'm doing to cause this to happen, and nothing I've seen fixes the problem.



  • Storyview tries to present the general flow of a course. When one slide links to different scenes, it doesn't always display the scenes in numerical order from left to right (as you have seen in your project). It's hard to say why. It may be related to the order in which you added the buttons and/or the links. Or it may be something else. In any case, it's just one interpretation of the flow

    But, ultimately, how it looks in Storyview doesn't matter. Yes, that can be frustrating for you, the developer. But if the triggers are correct, the user won't have a problem, because they don't see Storyview. So the simplest path forward is to always test the triggers, and, if they work, just ignore the order in Storyview.

  • JasonBeazell's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you for your reply.  This is incredibly annoying when I'm working with a story that had about 3 dozen story flow lines in it.  I have to hunt down the correct scene instead of just assuming that it appears in any kind of logical order. 

    For anybody finding this post, this is how I fixed this issue:

    1) duplicate your menu slide (copy/paste it in the same scene).

    2) rename the duplicated slide to something like 'OLD' to keep them separate.

    3) delete all the buttons/items from your actual menu slide.

    4) Remove any remaining object and slide triggers for those buttons/items.  Storyline did this for me when I deleted the items, but I suspect that some may remain (because storyline).

    5) Cut the first menu item from the OLD slide and paste it into the actual menu slide

    6) copy/paste the slide and object triggers from the OLD slide into the actual menu slide.

    7) repeat steps 5 and 6 for the remaining buttons/items **IN ORDER** of your menu order and desired left-to-right story view layout. 


    Again, this is very annoying, but at least I found a way to make this work.  I'm shocked there isn't a way to just drag and drop a scene in the story view.  That seems like such a basic thing to be able to do. 

    thank you. 

    • KathleenMason-e's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you. I too was finding it very annoying that Story View displayed the scenes out of order. Now I know how to fix it! Great tip.