Scenes in Story view are out of order and not left-to-right order
I have a storyline file that worked in that I have Object Triggers that link items to 7 different scenes. The scenes are indexed in order 2-8, with #1 being the starting scene. I had to edit the objects in the 'menu' slide that linked to the scenes by adding pictures, and now the scenes are out of order. Left-to-right they are 2,3,6,7,8,5,4. It is incredibly annoying. I've removed the triggers. I've re-indexed the scenes. I've saved, closed and re-opened. I've numbered the objects in the menu slide so that the object triggers are in numeric order. I cannot change the order of the triggers.
This happens on almost all the projects I work with. I don't know what I'm doing to cause this to happen, and nothing I've seen fixes the problem.