Forum Discussion

KevinConnolly's avatar
Community Member
17 days ago

Scrolling Panels with Layers

I am creating a project that concerns a ton of Scrolling Panels and Layers. My question is if we add a scrolling window to the base layer, is there a way to configure other layers to move along with the scrolling panel? I hope that makes sense.

  • There is not any native functionality in Storyline to move elements on layers in conjunction with elements that are scrolling on the base layer. The only way I can think of doing this is through JavaScript and using the base layer scrolling to then control scrolling panels on other layers. I haven't seen this done before and so can't point you any direction on the forums, and it could be possible that you will be the first person to tackle this challenge.

    Would the elements on the other layers scroll equally with the base layer, or are you trying to do a parallax effect where based layer may scroll 100px, the next layer 50px and the next layer 25px?

    • KevinConnolly's avatar
      Community Member

      Hey there!

      Thank you for your help. I am not really understanding your question on px. Can you explain what that means?

      • SamHill's avatar
        Super Hero

        Hi KevinConnolly I mean are the layers scrolling at a 1:1 ratio with the base layer, e.g if I scroll the base layer content by 100px, do you want it to scroll the other layers equally by 100px also.

  • KevinConnolly's avatar
    Community Member

    Yes thank you for explaining that! Yes I would want it to scroll on a 1:1 ratio at the same rate as the base layer. Just know that I do not have access to Javascript or have any knowledge of using it.

    • SamHill's avatar
      Super Hero

      Ok, no worries. Probably best to look for a different solution as it could be quite a complex JavaScript solution that would not be easy for you to maintain. It would be interesting to hear what you are trying to do as there may be a different solution.

      In a nutshell, for the JavaScript solution, an event that tracks the current scroll position of the main scroll panel would need to be added. The event would then adjust the scroll position of the scroll panels on other layers based on the scroll position of the base layer.