Forum Discussion

05Articulate's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Searching Player Text Labels

I know how to change Custom Text for individual Buttons/Messages in the Player Text Labels section of the Player Properties window.  My challenge is that sometimes I can't figure out what the name of the Buttons/Messages item is.  Articulate changes these names from time to time and they aren't always intuitive. I would like to be able to search this list; there are over 180 items and going one by one to figure out which one you want is impractical.  You can't search the list in the Player Text Labels section. If you click the Save icon you get an XML file that has the Custom Text values, but not the Button/Messages values; instead it has a string ID (which presumably is associated with the appropriate Button/Message).  On this page there is a link "download this spreadsheet" but when you click it you get an error.  I was hoping this has the list of the Button/Messages - Custom Text pairs so I can search it in a text editor using guess as to what Storyline calls something or search for the Custom Text value and therefore know which of the 180+ entries to change.  If that link does lead to such a document, obviously I'd like to be able to get to it.  If it doesn't, how do I search the list?  Please help Articulate!  Thank you.

  • Hello,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    You can use the XML export you mentioned to search using the names of the buttons and messages, but you'll need a text editor like Notepad++ to make the search results easier to see. Let's take for example the "Zoom to fit" label. I can do a quick search for the word zoom in the file and it will show me this in the results:

    The underscores represent spaces. The search results here are unique and easy to spot visually, and the string ID value gives sort a clue or hint on the item's actual name in the Player section. I understand that the actual button name or message would be easier to search for so I filed a feature request on your behalf for this enhancement. We'll let you know when we have any updates to share regarding the request!