Forum Discussion

MarkChuah-e86a2's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Seekbar Continuation on Layers

I have an issue with the seek bar and there doesn't seem to be any fixes on the forum.


I have a slide that has a base layer with introductory content and then it build up with layers appear one after the other (think a customer and call centre conversation. Each layer will either dispaly the consultant or the customer talking and saying different things to create a dialogue).



What I want is for the seek bar to be able to dragged to go backwards and forward but what is happening is as soon as the Seek bar is draged to a position where the layer is due to pop up, then the seek bar starts again for that layer only and i can no longer control the seek bar of the base layer to flick through the layers. 


Is there a way to have the seek bar continue on the base layer and show/hide layers as it moves accorss?. e.g. If I scroll to 30 secs, and layer 3 is displayed, if I Scrub back to 10 sec, can layer 2 be dispalyed etc?

  • Hello Mark!

    I'm happy to help! It sounds like you're looking to have more control over how content is displayed when the user drags the seekbar.

    Let's say that you have a timeline that is 5 seconds long, and you have two layers; one is set to appear at 2 seconds and the other at 4 seconds. If you drag the seekbar past 4 seconds, then Layer 2 will appear. And then, if you drag the seekbar back to 1 second, then Layer 1 will appear at 2 seconds, and Layer 2 will still appear at 4 seconds. 

    It sounds like you might be seeing something different on your end. Do you mind sharing the .story file with us? You can attach it to this public discussion or upload it privately in a support case.