Seekbar Continuation on Layers
I have an issue with the seek bar and there doesn't seem to be any fixes on the forum.
I have a slide that has a base layer with introductory content and then it build up with layers appear one after the other (think a customer and call centre conversation. Each layer will either dispaly the consultant or the customer talking and saying different things to create a dialogue).
What I want is for the seek bar to be able to dragged to go backwards and forward but what is happening is as soon as the Seek bar is draged to a position where the layer is due to pop up, then the seek bar starts again for that layer only and i can no longer control the seek bar of the base layer to flick through the layers.
Is there a way to have the seek bar continue on the base layer and show/hide layers as it moves accorss?. e.g. If I scroll to 30 secs, and layer 3 is displayed, if I Scrub back to 10 sec, can layer 2 be dispalyed etc?