Forum Discussion

JacindaFunderbu's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Extracting a story file from a zip file

How do I extract a story file from a zip file?

  • If the file was zipped by publishing it, you can't. Sorry.

    If it had its extension changed from .story to .zip, you can rename it and change the extension back, but that seems unlikely.

  • (I feel like Im missing something as this feels too easy for a question.... the QI claxon is about to go off!)

    How to unzip a file within a zip file?.... Winzip?!

  • Within Windows (I think 9 or 10 and above), it’s built in.  You can double click the zip, and see what is in it. Pick the file, right click and choose Extract. Or Select the zipped folder without double clicking , right click and choose Extract all.