Forum Discussion

ZioFonta's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Serious issue in bootstrapper.min.js

Hi everyone,

From the Build 3.87.32265.0 there is a serious issue that affect the published courses. In my case all quiz slide where I inserted a time countdown are broken, the submit doesn't work and it's not possible to proceed with the course.

A function "toSignedFloatString64" in bootstrapper.min.js causes a TypeError "cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toString')
this is the unminified funcion where problem occurs

s.toSignedFloatString64 = function(t, n) {
if (t % 1 == 0 || e.isNaN(t))
return s.toSignedString64(t, n);
var i, r = Math.min(3, (i = t,
Math.floor(i) === i ? 0 : i.toString().split(".")[1].length || 0)), o = Math.trunc(t * Math.pow(10, r));
return s.toSignedString64(o) + "-" + r.toString()

Probably the issue is in the Math.trunc

I had to revert to a previous build of Storyline to bypass the error, but this is a serious issue to be fixed as soon as possible, since potentially every course could face this problem if republished with the last build.

Thanks for supporting




  • Hi Zio!

    Sorry to hear you've run into this issue!

    I noticed that you've also opened a support case and connected with my teammate, Chester. You're in excellent hands troubleshooting with him! We can continue the conversation through your case to keep all information in one spot.

  • ZioFonta's avatar
    Community Member

    I strongly advice to avoid Build 3.89.32618.0

    downgrade to 3.88.32574.0 or upgrade to the June 18 build. This build can brake up a course that was perfectly working with previous versions. (i.e. if you have used drag-drop interactions)

    In my opinion this build should be removed because it cannot be considered as "stable".

    We and several other developers had several issues with this build, I think something in the main core script was modified and It would need more accurate testing by SL developers.

  • brymatulay's avatar
    Community Member

    Please fix, this bug is disasterous. Currently build 3.9032893.0 is broke. The June 6 and18 are working downgrades.