Skills, Skills, Skills! upSKILLing! reSKILLing! All the skills!!
I've been out of the game for too long, aka not "in the trenches", but... is it me, or is there a growing movement in L&D toward "learn skill X, and apply X to your job!" Specifically, and/or as an example" "21st century skills"
eg. from
And it seems like major content providers are ALL IN. In a quick LinkedInLearning search (w/ apologies to Rise peeps), there are courses such as...
- Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
- Effective Collaboration Across Teams, Essentials of Team Collaboration, Creating a Culture of Collaboration, and *deep breath in*... How to Collaborate with Your Colleagues to Build Psychological Safety Together .
MEANWHILE, in Evidence - informed Learning Design (amzn)--> Chapter 6 (thriving myths in learning) --> Myth #4 (Are 21st Century Skills More Important than domain-knowledge), takes the first 3 of those... "problem-solving", "creativity", "and "collaboration" , calls them "generic skills", and pp 136-156 to say: here's why you can't just learn these in a vacuum / without the context of (insert) domain-specific knowledge (here).
ehh? 🤷‍♀️
Thanks in advance!