Forum Discussion
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Will the course be in a Learning Management System (LMS)? If so, Storyline will store data about the user's progress in the LMS. That allows the user to resume the course where they left off.
- When the user resumes the course, menu items that were unrestricted before will remain unrestricted.
- Menu items that were still restricted when the user exited course will remain restricted.
This User Guide article has details about how to determine what happens when a user returns to a course in an LMS: Learning More About Your LMS: Suspend Data and Resume Behavior - E-Learning Heroes (
If the course is on a regular website, Storyline doesn't have anywhere to store data about the user's progress. In that case, the user will have to restart the course from the beginning whenever they open it.
- balajikanipa686Community Member
Thanks for Your reply.
my requirement here is learner should be able to take the course multiple times. first time Seekbar, and menu should be restricted. it is working fine. from second time onwards i dont want the restriction of menu bar.
is there any where i can talk to someone and show.
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
I understand your requirement. My reply is that meeting your requirement depends on where the course is hosted.
Meeting the requirement is possible only when the course is in an LMS.
As it says in the User Guide article that is linked in my previous reply, the Player has a setting for what happens when someone returns to a course in an LMS. This image shows the Resume options:
- If the setting is Always resume, a person returning to the course will always restart from where they were when they left the course.
- For a restricted course, menu items that became unrestricted when the person previously viewed the course will not be restricted again. In other words, it will meet your requirement.
If the course is in Review 360 or on another website, a person who returns to the course will always have to start from the beginning, and the menu will be restricted.
- There isn't a setting in Storyline that can change that behavior.