Forum Discussion

JudyNollet's avatar
Super Hero
11 years ago

Storyline 2: Where's the setting to prevent video compression?

The "What's New" list for SL2 says I can keep videos from being compressed during publishing. But I don't see how. The Publish Quality window looks the same as in SL1, with the Video Quality slider only going to "9"/"higher quality." 

So where can I set it to HIGHEST quality, i.e., don't compress it?

  • Hi again Julius! Looks like Wilbert has shared this with additional team members so that we can take a deeper look. Thanks for working with the team and bringing this to our attention.

  • MarcosDutra's avatar
    Community Member

    Ashley, do you know the settings Articulate uses for compression?
    I prefer to encode my videos at 600 kps  which I find enough for the purpose, and in order to avoid more processing, I set the compression to none.
    Anyway, it would be interesting to know the compression rates of system.

  • Hi Marcos, 

    Storyline will compress based on an algorithm we've created, to allow for the smallest possible file size at the best output/playback. So there isn't a compression rate to share, but that's why we added the option to allow for Compression to be set to "None" for the instances where you may want to use a particular setting. 

  • Hi Marcos,

    I do not know the specifics of the compression.

    Here's what we have:

    We worked hard to optimize video compression in Articulate Storyline, so you'd get the highest possible quality at the lowest possible file size. We recommend using high quality videos and letting Storyline handle the compression. However, you can turn off compression for MP4 videos if you'd prefer.

    Adjusting Video Compression

    When you publish a course, your videos will be encoded so they're no larger than your slide size with a key frame every 5 seconds—unless you turn off video compression as described in the next section.

    To adjust the compression Storyline uses for videos, just click the Quality property in the publishing wizard, then drag the Video quality slider to the right to increase the publish quality. (Note that higher quality values also result in larger file sizes, which could mean longer download times for learners with slow Internet connections.)

    Turning Video Compression Off

    You can turn off compression altogether for MP4 videos created with baseline, main, or high profiles. (All other videos will be compressed automatically.)

    1. Select the video placeholder and go to the Options tab on the Storyline ribbon.
    2. Click the Compression drop-down and choose None.

    If you turn off video compression, be aware that your published files will be larger, which could be problematic for learners with slow Internet connections.

    See also:

  • Read through this thread, and I'm experiencing the same problem with Storyline 360, 3 years after the problem started (wow).

    Can you please release the actual detailed specifications for videos that will not be compressed, or put me in contact with someone who can share them?


    • Crystal-Horn's avatar

      Hi there, Joseph!  We're happy to work with you.  What specific issue are you having?  We can work one-on-one with you in a support case to make sure you get the most of Storyline video tools.  Since you have an Articulate 360 Teams subscription, you'll get priority support.  Thank you!

  • This problem is very uncertain.
    I use Handbrake to compress videos and then always use the same saved settings. Sometimes the video is digested well by storyline, and it allows me to disable storyline compression, other times it doesn't and the option is grayed out.
    This option is important to me because it allows me to optimize video compression well and save a lot of time in the storyline export phase.
    it really is a mystery!