Forum Discussion
Storyline 360 creating feedback layers for all layers
For some unknown reason whenever I create a new layer on any slide it becomes a feedback layer. It's really strange and I don't know how to resolve it. Any ideas? It's never happened to me before and I've been using SL for over 10 years!
Thanks for reaching out, Ralph!
Sorry to hear you are having trouble with creating new layers. Could you record a Peek of the behavior so we can get a better idea of what's happening in your file?
Thank you!
- RalphWilliamsonCommunity Member
- RalphWilliamsonCommunity Member
I've also tried copying my slides into a new file but when I do that all my Illustrations are blank.
- RalphWilliamsonCommunity Member
It started happening when I deleted a few unused Feedback master slides.
Hi Ralph,
Thanks so much for sending along that Peek for us. It appears you only have two options in your Feedback Master because you are trying to apply on a layer instead of a base layer.
Here is what you can try:
1. Open Slide View
2. Click on the specific Base Slide you'd like to address > then select Apply Layout
3. From there, you should see all the Layer options available.
Please let me know if this helps!