Forum Discussion
Storyline 360 to SharePoint
Hi Michele,
Thanks for following up. I had some success getting embedded Engage interactions to work on SharePoint, but it continues to be inconsistent.
When you embed an Engage interaction on a slide in Storyline, in the background SL publishes the Engage project and puts it into a folder in your Windows profile data temporarily, until you publish your Storyline project, at which time the Engage content gets put into a folder in the published project. If you take a look the properties of the Engage interaction on the SL slide, you can see the path, it goes to an HTML file. In order to have the Engage interaction work on a SharePoint server, you need to do a similar thing to what you do with the story.html file and renaming it to story.aspx.
When you publish a Storyline project with Engage interactions, it puts the published files into the story_content/WebObjects folder. You'll need to go into that folder and copy the HTML files to ASPX, but... the linking to the Engage content in the published Storyline project, points to HTML files and not ASPX files... so, even if you create the ASPX files, the Storyline slide is looking for an HTML file. And we know those get a forced download from SharePoint.
What you need to do is, once you've published the entire SL project, is to copy the individual folder from the published project folder, do the HTML to ASPX copy/rename, upload that folder to a separate folder on SharePoint, make sure that works with ASPX.
After you've confirmed the Engage interaction will run on SharePoint from the folder you've uploaded, then you go back to the original Storyline project, right-click on the embedded interaction and use Web Object > Edit to change the path to the folder on SharePoint, where the working ASPX version of the interaction is stored.
Once you've updated the path to the Engage "web object" that is stored separately on SharePoint, republish the whole Storyline project again. Do the HTML to ASPX step and then upload the updated published project to SharePoint.
Kind of a twisted approach, but it seems to work.
So, it breaks the link allowing you to right-click in Storyline to edit the Engage interaction. If you do right-click and edit, you'll need to go and find that deep folder in your Windows data again and upload that to SharePoint again.
I would say if you absolutely need to do this, wait until the project is reviewed and approved before publishing to SharePoint.
The other thing that doesn't quite work with this approach is the ability to use the Next button while in the Engage interaction, to step through the interaction. You'll need to use the navigation built in to Engage, rather than the Storyline Next button. That will just take you to the next slide.
Hope this helps. Not an ideal solution, but it seems to work. Mostly.