Forum Discussion
Storyline 360/Storyline 3 - Bookmarking on LMS
Hi Alexandra, this may not address your issue, but thought I would at least mention the bookmarking fix for me was publishing in SCORM 2004 3rd edition (or later). The course I was working on was published in 2004 2nd edition which has a (relatively) small suspend data limit and so wasn't "remembering" where user left off or what was complete, republishing in the later edition accommodated our user data needs and fixed the issue (we were working with a very large course, FYI). - Bill
Hi Bill,
Thanks for replying! Unfortunately I'm publishing to SCORM 2004, 4th Edition as recommended by SuccessFactors. We are also working with a pretty large course- 185 MB when published and the SL file is around 475 MB. The weird thing is it is working in one LMS- Cornerstone, and it's working in SCORM cloud, but not working in Success Factors LMS. Very odd.