Forum Discussion

EdwardAgadja170's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Storyline Assessment Isn't Scoring Correctly

As usual, there's always an issue with Storyline. My final assessment keeps coming out to a score of 87.5% with 8 questions even though I've created a trigger for each submit button (confirmed that), made sure all 8 questions and no other questions are assessed in the results slide settings, and made sure that the correct answers are the correct answers.

I can't share my example because it has sensitive information...

  • carolynkunz's avatar
    Community Member

    In the form view of the quiz question.  Please see attached.

  • carolynkunz's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Edward, my screenshot was to show you where the points are located in SL. You'll need to go to each quiz slide and change the point amount so that they total = 100. That will mean some quiz questions will be worth more than others.  4 of your questions will be worth 13, while 4 will be with 12.

  • The problem is that there's an even amount of slides, so I'm not sure why it's coming out to a decimal since decimals can't be used when adjusting the points. 100 divided by 8 questions would be 12.5. Am I missing something here?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Edward,

      Would it be possible for you to recreate the issue on a new Storyline 360 project file with all the sensitive/private information removed and then share this project file so we can take a look at what's happening? You can share your project file here or in private by opening a support case. We'll delete it when we're done testing!

      Basically, we'll need to review the points that have been assigned to each question slide, as well as how the question slides are being submitted so we can check each step of the quiz leading up to the incorrect scoring incident. 

    • carolynkunz's avatar
      Community Member

      Right, that is why you need to make 4 of your questions worth 13 points on each slide and the other 4 will be with 12 points on each slide.

      See attached example. 

  • I can't believe I'm wasting my time on trying to randomly assign points to these slides to eventually add up to 100. I just added 50 to a lot. It was working, and suddenly, it went back down to 84.7%. Infuriating

  • carolynkunz's avatar
    Community Member

    The issue is with slide 1.7. It looks like it's corrupt - it's not registering as correct, even when the correct response is selected. I was able to get the results slide to work by removing that slide and adding a new multiple responses qustion.  If you re-create the slide (do not copy/paste from the original quiz), it should work.  (see attached)

  • Still not working...I guess I have to recreate everything and pray it works. *sigh*

  • You don't need to assign points so they add up to 100 just ensure they are all the same value.