Forum Discussion
Storyline closes on spacebar long press.
I have confirmed this bug with tech support. While synching images and audio/video (mine has video that I am overlaying images on) on the timeline using play and pause with the spacebar as I go. A long press of the spacebar closes the program. It is really, really annoying and a new behavior. If you have made edits it will prompt you first to save before closing and you can cancel, but if not, it will just close right in the middle of what you are doing. If you are experiencing this, please contact support so it doesn't sit unresolved for months. Please Articulate take some of that 3.1 billion valuation and put it to program improvements and bug fixes.
- NejcZDCommunity Member
Yep, it's really bad.
- FranceHernan732Community Member
For me, the dialog comes up at the end of every timeline playback. View a slide to see how it's working = closed dialog or boom! closed.
Either way it's seriously confusing and UNWANTED behavior and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
- RickMarantaCommunity Member
Everyone experiencing this should submit a support ticket. That is the only way this will get fixed.
- NejcZDCommunity Member
I think it should get fixed without hundreds of us subbmitting the tickets. This is not some obscure bug, but a big workflow hog.