Forum Discussion

AmberWade's avatar
Community Member
11 years ago

Storyline: Hand cursor during shape hover - Can I stop this?

This question was actually asked before on this thread:

But was not answered because the question was unclear....although it made sense to me!

Here's the scenario: I've set up a freeform pick many quiz like Jeanette posted here:

Jeanette set this up using shapes with states rather than hotspots! I know that with a hotspot, you can turn off "Show hand cursor on hover", but I'm wondering if you can replicate this with a shape state?

If I right click on my shape, I don't get the hand cursor option, so I was wondering if there was any other work around.

In my pick many quiz scenario I don't want the user to just hover around the image to find the hand cursors and pick those areas. I'd like to turn off the hand cursor if possible.

I hope this makes sense!

I really appreciate any feedback!!
