Forum Discussion

ITAdmin-eb9dea4's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Storyline quiz LSM issue

Hi everyone. 

I'm having an issue with a quiz that I've built, it's part of an exam and for that reason I only want people to be able to take this quiz once, and then if they fail I need to give it to them again. 

Right now the learners are able to take the quiz several times (with no time inbetween) even though I have limited this in the LMS. Adobe claims that the issues lies within the building of the quiz and not the LMS. 

Does anyone have a similar issue or have an idea of what settings should be used in storyline to avoid this?

LMS: Adobe Captivate Prime


Thanks, Linn

  • Hi Linn,

    Aside from the setting in your LMS that can limit quiz attempts, you can also check out this guide which explains how you can use variables to control the number of attempts that your learners have in a Storyline 360 course: 

    With the above implemented, your learners will still be still be able to resume the course, but the variables and triggers will prevent your learners from retaking the quiz, effectively locking the course. 

  • Hi Joe. 
    Thanks for answering. That might be an option. 

    If they fail, they should not be able to do it again right away, but be able to redo it at a later point. Do you think the method above will prevent this? So then maybe I'll have to upload it as a 2 seperate courses? (I realize it might be difficult to answer considering you're not familiar with the LMS). 

  • Hi, Linn.

    When you say "be able to redo it at a later point", do you mean after some time has passed or after they go through the course again? 

    If it's the second option, then you can set up a trigger on your Failure layer that would take them to other slides or scenes before re-attempting the quiz. 

    If you can share a sample .story file, I'm happy to offer more specific suggestions. 

  • Hi. 

    At a later point. So let's say they do the quiz today and fail, and then have to redo again in a week after they read trough other stuff (so basically it's an exam after a 10 week course with e-learning and workshops, and they have to pass the quiz ,if not they need to go trough the e-learning again - the exam is in it's own course in the LMS/own storylien file). The spesific quiz I'm talking about is just a quiz, with a beggining slide and a result slide. 
    Did that all make sense? 
    I might have to talk to adobe to find the solution in the LMS, but I need to find a way for it to report it properly from storyline as well.