Forum Discussion

AlexBartels's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Storyline: Select All that Apply interactive question error

Hoping someone can help me out! 
I built an interactive module in Storyline360 that included some "select all that apply" questions. To provide feedback when they answer incorrectly, I have a layer that shows the feedback saying "incorrect" and set up triggers to show that layer if they do not select the correct combination of answers. If they do select the correct combination of answers, I set up a trigger for it to move onto the next slide (Slide Untitled 1.2). 

The feedback layer does pop up when they submit any combination of the incorrect answer UNLESS they select ALL the answer choices and then for whatever reason it moves onto the next slide even though it was incorrect. 
I have included a screenshot of the slide as well as the triggers I have set up. I labeled the checkboxes and button in red, and highlighted the correct combination of answers in blue.  Is there a way to fix this? 

Side note: I did try and use the "Pick many" freeform built into Storyline, but had the same issue occur. 

  • try is not selected instead of normal. Storyline treats all built in states as normal

  • Hi Alex, 

    Based on your slide description, it sounds like you're trying to build a "Multiple Response" interaction, is this correct? If yes, have you used the built-in "Multiple Response" graded question slide? I attached a sample project file based on what I understood is the interaction that you're trying to build. Using the built-in graded question slide, you'll see that selecting all the options will give an incorrect response if the correct answers aren't all of the available choices. 

    If your interaction is more than just a standard "multiple response" interaction, I'd like to take a look at your file to see how the triggers are set up. Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done!