Forum Discussion

DoryKraft's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Pyramid interaction will not progress when imported into Storyline

I am having a problem with pyramid type interactions from Engage 360 imported into Storyline 360. When the interaction ends, the "next" button is visible but not clickable. You cannot go to the next slide. I've tried reimporting it, creating a new pyramid interaction and importing it, nothing works. These normally work without a problem. Can someone confirm that the Pyramid interaction in Engage, when imported into Storyline 360, is working correctly? Thanks.

  • Hi D Kraft!

    Sorry to hear you've run into this behavior. I'd be happy to help!

    Testing this on my end, I built a sample Pyramid interaction in Engage 360 and imported it to Storyline 360 (version 3.80.31058.0 via Windows Parallels on a Mac M1). The next button is functional and working as intended!

    Have you tried performing a repair of Studio 360 (Which included Engage 360) to see if that improves the behavior? If that doesn't do the trick, would you be willing to share a copy of your .story & .intr files so we can investigate this issue further? You can upload them here in the discussion or privately through a support case. We'll delete them from our system as soon as we're finished!

    • DoryKraft's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Steven - Thank you, I have submitted a case.

      Kind regards,

      • StevenBenassi's avatar

        Hi Dory!

        Thank you for letting us know!

        Great call on sharing your files through a support case! I see that my teammate Chester is performing some tests and should be following up with you shortly!

        We can continue this conversation in your support case to keep all information in one spot.

        Also, it looks like part of your e-mail signature came through when you replied via e-mail. You can remove that if you'd like by following these steps.