Forum Discussion
Storyline360, Animation and GSAP ( Greensock )
Thank you Math for the information and example, it looks like the SplitText is working when you use this method. You highlighted the steps, and I am going to see if I can get it to work for me. Your amazing!
To help you get started....
This is my function that does the work.
function docLoaded_inSL(){
const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("vector-text-item");
const textsArray = [];
let baseStr;
for(var i = 0; i < collection.length;i++){
var sStr = player.GetVar("debugStr");
var someStr = gsap.getProperty(collection[i], "textContent");
var someNewStr = sStr+"<BR>"+"i "+i+": "+someStr;
textsArray.push(gsap.getProperty(collection[i], "textContent"));
const h1 = document.createElement("H1");
const textNode = document.createTextNode(gsap.getProperty(collection[1], "textContent"));
var tl = gsap.timeline(),
mySplitText = new SplitText("H1", { type: "words,chars" }),
chars = mySplitText.chars; //an array of all the divs that wrap each character
gsap.set("H1", { perspective: 400 });
tl.from(chars, {
duration: 0.8,
opacity: 0,
scale: 0,
y: 80,
rotationX: 180,
transformOrigin: "0% 50% -50",
ease: "back",
stagger: 0.01
Basically it gets all texts from Storyline, and then i use one of them to create a HTML textfield to be targeted by SplitText.
Offcourse you can simplify it.
For example by creating a function to create HTML Text elements.
function createHTMLText(_string,_targetAccName,_elName){
const h1 = document.createElement(_elName);
const textNode = document.createTextNode(_string);
You can then call that like this...
createHTMLText(gsap.getProperty(collection[1], "textContent"),"canvasShape","H1");
or if you donot want to use an existing Storyline textfield, just like this...
createHTMLText("Text to be animated by SplitText","myShape","H1");
And the SplitText functionality you also can put in a function.
function createSplitTextAni(_elName){
var tl = gsap.timeline(),
mySplitText = new SplitText(_elName, { type: "words,chars" }),
chars = mySplitText.chars; //an array of all the divs that wrap each character
gsap.set(_elName, { perspective: 400 });
tl.from(chars, {
duration: 0.8,
opacity: 0,
scale: 0,
y: 80,
rotationX: 180,
transformOrigin: "0% 50% -50",
ease: "back",
stagger: 0.01
So now this cleaned up code will work.
let mySplitString = "Bladibla vanillevla and some more text to test this";
function createHTMLText(_string,_targetAccName,_elName){
const newElement = document.createElement(_elName);
const textNode = document.createTextNode(_string);
function createSplitTextAni(_elName){
var tl = gsap.timeline(),
mySplitText = new SplitText(_elName, { type: "words, chars" }),
chars = mySplitText.chars; //an array of all the divs that wrap each character
gsap.set(_elName, { perspective: 400 });
tl.from(chars, {
duration: 0.8,
opacity: 0,
scale: 0,
y: 80,
rotationX: 180,
transformOrigin: "0% 50% -50",
ease: "back",
stagger: 0.01
A few things to watch though. As i use H1 for texts... that is deliberately. You do need to format your HTML text somewhat, if you donot, you probably will not see a SplitText animation. Ofcourse you can format it any way you want, but it has to have some formatting before running SplitText on it.
Hope this helps.