Forum Discussion

JesseBowman's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Storyline360 Crashing When Creating a Results Page for a Multi Question Quiz

I have created a 10 question quiz for my CBL. When I try to add a results slide at the end Storyline give me an error. I have tried deleting the results slide and recreating it. Error always happens. Below is the error I keep getting. 

Thank you,

Jesse Bowman

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ErrorReport xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Message>Could not load type 'Articulate.Wpf.View.�6;�}&#xE;E�7'�&amp;m*����be�&lt;����Window' from assembly 'Articulate.Wpf, Version=6.89.32618.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d5318c866ad944b5'.</Message>
<StackTrace> at bool Articulate.Storyline.UI.Quiz.ResultSlide.ResultSlidePropertiesView.Show()
at async Task Articulate.Storyline.Commands.Slides.RibbonInsertFromContentLibraryTemplateCommand.InsertSlidesAsync(IUndoManager undoManager, IProjectFileEvents projectFileEvents, IEnumerable&lt;ISlideMeta&gt; slideMetas, int currentView)
at async Task Articulate.Storyline.Commands.Slides.RibbonInsertFromContentLibraryTemplateCommand.OnExecuteAsync(object[] values)
at async Task Articulate.Windows.Forms.CommandBase.ExecuteAsync(object[] values)
at async void Articulate.TaskExtensions.ForceExceptionsToForeground(Task task)
at void System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()</StackTrace>

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    You mentioned trying to delete the result slide. Were you able to continue without Storyline crashing or shutting down completely? Does your result slide function as intended during preview, even though the error occurred beforehand? If the issue persists, you may upload your .story file for troubleshooting or submit a support case to Articulate