Forum Discussion

DeepakS-884bf2d's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Text Entry - the 'Enter' key navigates to next page


We have page at the end of a course to get the user's name. 

After typing the name in the text input file - the user has click on the Sumit button we have provided on screen. On clicking the submit button the user is taken to page 2 


When the user clicks on the text field and presses the enter key, the user is not given a error message, and instead taken to the next page. this happens even when the submit button is disabled. 

Kindly guide on the same.

  • RidvanSaglam's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Deepak, 

    Since the enter key serves as submit button in some survey and question slides, disabling it won't help. And, unfortuntaley, when the user just clicks on the text field, for storyline, the task is completed. I played with the triggers a little. It still need a little more fubrishing but it might help. 

    I created a new layer on the first slide, and added an information note there. When the user clicks on submit, or presses Enter without entering any text, feedback screen appears, and it asks to fill it in. 

    Hope it helps. 


  • RidvanSaglam's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Deepak, 

    Sorry, I couldn't find a way to jump to next slide if the learner doesn't write anything to the blank. I will look for a solution with JavaScript.