Forum Discussion

NickiMazzocca-8's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Text Entry Minimum Character Requirement

I am trying to create a text entry field with a minimum character requirement in order to submit.  I have absolutely no idea how to do this.  Scenario: My students need to write a reflection that i...
  • SamHill's avatar
    3 months ago

    Hi NickiMazzocca-8,

    I have provided a storyline file with an example of this. It does require JavaScript, but you should just be able to add to your project.

    Here's the outcome on Review 360 before you get into it.

    In my example, I have added a message below the text area indicating how many words have been typed.

    This solution uses two variables, these are:

    name: minWords
    Type: Number
    Value: 50

    name: wordCountMessage
    Type: Text

    Type: True/False
    Value: False

    I then add an input box to the slide, and ensure it is set to Multi-line, but selecting the input box, and selecting CTRL+ENTER and then selecting Text Box and then Text Entry > Multi-line.

    I then add a single line Text Box below the Multi-line text input, and add the variable %wordCountMessage% to the contents of the Text Box. The variable name is displayed with a yellow background, to indicate it is a variable reference, and dynamic text.

    I then add an icon to the slide which has two states, to visually indicate if the minimum requirement has been met. The Normal state is a cross icon and the Tick state is a tick icon. I use the variable wordCountReached to switch between the two states.

    I then add a trigger to change the state of the icon when the variable wordCountReached is changed between True/False. True = Tick (Tick state of icon), False = Cross (Normal state of icon)

    I then add the following JavaScript to the "timeline starts on this slide - Execute JavaScript" trigger. This will control the variables in Storyline which will either update text, or cause the icon to switch to the Tick or Cross.

    // Get the Storyline Player
    const player = GetPlayer();
    // Get the text area
    const textarea = document.querySelector('textarea');
    // Get the number of minimum words required
    const minWords = player.GetVar('minWords')
    // Add the event listener
    textInput = function()
        const text = textarea.value.trim(); // Get the text and trim whitespace
        const words = text.split(/\s+/).filter(word => word.length > 0); // Split text into words
        const wordCount = words.length; // Count the words
        player.SetVar('wordCountMessage',`You have typed ${wordCount} words. Minimum required is ${minWords}.`);
        player.SetVar('wordCountReached',wordCount >= minWords);
    textarea.addEventListener('input', textInput);
    // run to init