Forum Discussion
Unlocking Course Navigation
What criteria are you using to allow certain users unrestricted access while the rest have restricted access?
You could theoretically attach a Boolean variable to each slide (e.g., bolSlide_1.1, bolSlide_1.2, and so on), with an initial value of False. Set the state of the Next button on each slide to Disabled. Then, insert a trigger on each slide which does this:
Change state of Next Button to Normal
When the timeline starts on this slide
If bolSlide_1.1 = value True
Then if, for example, the Next button is on is a slide with media, you would insert two triggers, one which changes the state of the Next button to Normal when the timeline finishes (or the media completes), and one which sets the value of the Boolean variable on that slide to True.
Based on the criteria above to determine if the learner has unrestricted access, you could insert triggers at the beginning of the course which set the values of the Boolean variables to True, based on the criteria.
BTW Articulate folks, THIS is one example of where an array-type variable would be handy. Instead of a pile of variables in the variables dialog (bolSlide_1.1, bolSlide_1.2, bolSlide_1.3, ad infinitum), I could have one variable, arrSlide, check/set the individual elements inside of it, and then have triggers on each slide to check/set the value of individual elements:
Change state of Next Button to Normal
When the timeline starts on this slide
If arrSlide[2] = value 1
Set arrSlide[2] to value 1
When the timeline ends on this slide
At the beginning of the course, one trigger could then be used to set all of the array elements at once, based on the criteria for unrestricted access.