Forum Discussion

SamanthaHare's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Unrestrict menu/next buttons during learning

Is there a way to unrestrict the menu and next buttons part way through the learning? So to set it as if every page has been visited already, without having to visit every page already.

To set the scene (and hopefully make what I'm asking a bit clearer),  I want to be able to set up my project so that learners are forced to watch complete slides and progress through in a prescribed manner (hence needing it to be a restricted menu with restricted next and previous buttons) but I want us as the developers to be able to skip through it using the same published file by using a trigger (probably a button on a password protected page) that makes it run as if it were unrestricted. We're finding when we encounter issues (which mostly come from our LMS), it can be a very slow process to find out what they are because we have to go through what can be up to 45 minutes of learning that we can't skip, but don't need to watch.

We already have fairly large projects so going through and doing it manually isn't ideal. I have put in a password protected contents page that allows us to skip to things, that to an extent allows the same thing as I'm wanting to achieve but it isn't quite as flexible as I would like.


  • There's no setting or trigger that can turn off the built-in navigation restriction. 

    You could add a "special pass" trigger to every slide that sets the Next button to Normal with the condition that a special T/F variable = True. And use some programming on the first slide that allows developers to adjust the variable to True. 

    • Put a small, 99% transparent button somewhere on the title slide where a user isn't likely to mouse over. For example, it could be a round shape over an "o" in the text. 
    • That button could adjust the variable. Or, for more protection, it could show a layer that requires a password to adjust the variable. 

    Note: One potential disadvantage of this method is if the problem is on a slide with an interaction that restricts the Next button. You wouldn't be able to test that if the special-pass trigger set Next to Normal. On those slides, you'd might want to adjust the triggers so the restriction always applies.