Forum Discussion

JamesWelle's avatar
3 years ago

Update: Articulate 360 will discontinue support for Internet Explorer 11

Starting in January 2022, we will remove support for the Internet Explorer 11 browser (IE11) from all Articulate 360 web apps,, and E-Learning Heroes.

Why we’re making this change

Microsoft stopped supporting IE11 in its Microsoft 365 apps as of August 17, 2021, and will also stop supporting IE11 on Windows 10 on June 15, 2022.

Who this impacts

This change impacts folks using IE11 with Articulate 360 or Storyline 3 or visiting and the E-Learning Heroes community. Here’s what you need to know:

Beginning January 1, 2022, you won’t be able to:

  • View or the E-Learning Heroes community using IE11
  • Use Articulate 360 Training or Review 360 or view using IE11

Beginning July 1, 2022, you won’t be able to: 

  • View courses published from Storyline 360, Studio 360, or Rise 360 in IE11
  • Publish to CD from Storyline 360 or Studio 360 (this feature uses IE11 to publish content) 

Beginning October 1, 2022, you won’t be able to: 

  • View courses published from Storyline 3 in IE11
  • Publish to CD from Storyline 3 (this feature uses IE11 to publish content) 

What to do if you use Internet Explorer 11

Depending on your operating system, we recommend downloading the latest version of a browser like Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.

Learn more at our support knowledge base.

Edited to add: We'd like to address a common question! Courses published prior to July 1, 2022 will continue to work in IE11. These changes will only apply to courses published after July 1, 2022.

We're sorry our language was unclear!

  • Hello, i know you have stopped supporting IE11, however can you still publish so that it still can be used in IE11?

    • JenniferBrow080's avatar
      Community Member

      In theory. But does your organization still support IE11? Because that's a security risk.  

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    I just received a support request from an internal staff member who could not launch a Storyline 360 course. When they clicked on the link, they were presented with this:

    If this isn't enough incentive to abandon a browser which was out of date YEARS ago already, I don't know what is. Add to that, Saba discontinued testing its platforms on IE 11 late last year (I suspect other LMS vendors are, or already have, followed suit).

    BTW, I told my internal staffer to contact our Help Desk. My time should not be wasted trying to troubleshoot an unsupported browser when there are others which ARE supported.

  • TerryThomas's avatar
    Community Member

    Hey All... i skimmed quickly, but just wanted to add a thought:  the Oct 2022 date for publishing with SL3 in on the assumption you are updating your SL3 app after that date.  If you don't have auto-update turned on, and/or don't accept the message to upgrade, you will still be safe after Oct 2022.  That's our case, corporately (where nothing runs automatically in either SL360 or SL3).

    I'm **all** for getting rid of archaic browser tech and platforms, but sometimes in an enterprise setting, the web apps cannot be instantly fixed.  We have 18K+ users, using substantial apps, some of which are very complicated (and old).  Even Microsoft had a different distribution of their enterprise package ... IE11 is still part of our enterprise package in November 2022 (it was only removed from regular-world distribution / home users).  We are finally able to move to Win11 with Edge --but *must* keep the "IE Mode" whitelist active for a number of our servers.  We are procuring a new LMS, but again in government this is a long process, it's not a simple "flip the switch, we like something different"

    But at some point, we have to deal with this reality --and sometimes it has to come this reality, to get an organization to realize the world won't stop moving forward just because an organization doesn't want to move with it.

    All that being said, keep your SL app(s) from updating, and you can buy yourselves a little bit more time.

    • JenniferBrow080's avatar
      Community Member

      Please know continuing to use IE11, even IE11 mode is a stop-gap measure that just increases your organizations technology debt. Not just for you but for everyone reading this.

      Also know that your content may be the reason you must use IE11 or IE11 mode.

      When we were preparing to move our legacy apps including our proprietary LMS off IE11, it was a nightmare. A year in my life I want back. The LMS updates were relatively simple, but things still weren't updating properly when tested, or couldn't play at all. LONG story short is that a combination of neglected maintenance on the LMS, and outdated technology in our content caused nightmares.

      Your Storyline output needs to be able to play on a browser as well as send the required data at the required times back to the LMS. If you use outdated Storyline versions, your output will include outdated browser technology.

      The following all impact both playability and the ability to send data to LMS for the LMS to properly receive it:

      * Storyline version
      * Published settings
      * If published Storyline is "clean" (not overwriting an existing folder)
      * LMS standard
      * Browser version
      * Browser settings (including IT security and arcane things like "perimeter security")

      How all this plays out with Storyline 360 I'm not sure, because we only use standalone Storyline 3.

      Because of the issues we were experiencing, I ended up looking at every single content folder on our application server. Hundreds of them. I checked publishing versions for all of them. And documented them. In doing so, I saw all the content, and the differences. And I could see the patterns of what wasn't recording during testing, and what was. The problem content was all that still had Flash or older version of Storyline 3 with Synchronous XHR in them. Simply republishing in the current Storyline with current settings resolved the issues. (Thankfully the two that were published in Storyline 1 got to be retired).

      If you've ever explored the output folders, and have been doing this long enough, you may be aware of the evolution of the folder contents, and the differences between publishing for SCORM, AICC, Web, or xAPI. I could write a whole article on that, but to sum up, settings matter. And clean publishing matters. There are times when your content will work fine as is, but those extra files from then are blocked or break things now. If you aren't republishing your content every two years or so to update them technology wise, you risk having them be unplayable, and/or a lot of work all at once.

      Perhaps this may help drive some changes to give learning content and your LMS some love and attention.

      My user base is 10,000+ active users, with 100+ active self paced, web based trainings, not including the quizzes associated with Instructor Lead Training, in Public Sector, using an older proprietary LMS. It's a struggle to get time and attention needed for our system and content technology wise, but recent years have helped decision makers see that it's not a Nice to Have, but a Must Have.