Forum Discussion

Kasie-MarieP757's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Visually Tracking Completion of Multiple Quizzes in Branching Scenario - Turn the Eggs Green!

I am building a course in Storyline 3 where there are multiple scenes, and each scene has its own quiz. After a quiz is passed, the learner earns a green egg. The learner can choose what order they view the scenes and take the quizzes, so I want the main slide to visually keep track of which quizzes they have already passed by adding a green egg for each quiz. To end the course, they need to collect all of the eggs.

I can not get the eggs to appear after the learner passes a quiz. If someone can crack open this mystery, it would be much appreciated! Here is a ‘shell’ of what I am trying to build.

Main screen:

Step 1: Added new variables

The Quiz1Pass variable has a default value of False.

The Quiz2Pass variable has a default value of False.


Step 2: Used triggers to adjust variable values to TRUE on the Quiz Results Slides


On the Quiz 1 Results slide I set the trigger wizard to “Set Quiz1Pass equal to True When the user clicks the map icon.”

On the Quiz 2 Results slide I set the trigger wizard to “Set Quiz2Pass equal to True When the user clicks the map icon.”


Step 3: Connected the variable to the eggs’ states

 For Quiz 1, I tried starting the egg’s initial state to hidden, but then set a trigger to change it to a normal state once quiz 1 is passed.


In the trigger wizard I did…

Action: Change state of

On object: Egg-Quiz1

To State: Normal

When: Variable changes

Variable: Quiz1Pass

On Condition: Quiz1Pass = = Equal to True


For Quiz 2, I wanted to start by showing a faint egg  so I started the egg in a normal state (79% transparent) and then set a trigger to change its state to a new “passed” state (0% transparent) once quiz 2 is passed.

In the Trigger Wizard I did…

Action: Change state of

On object: Egg-Quiz2

To State: Passed

When: Variable changes

Variable: Quiz2Pass

On Condition: Quiz2Pass = = Equal to True


I thought this project would be done over easy… but alas I am scrambled. Suggestions?



What I changed on the main slide with the eggs (Thank you Judy Nollet)

"Change the State of Egg-Quiz 1 to the Normal State when the Timeline Starts on the main slide if Quiz1Pass = = True" 

"Change the State of Egg- Quiz 2  to the Passed State when the Timeline Starts on the main slide if Quiz2Pass = = True" 


Changes on the Quiz Results slides on the Success Layers:


  • I can't open the file you attached; I get a message that it's corrupted.

    Based on your description of what you've done, the Quiz#Pass variables are adjusted on the Results slide, but the triggers to change the state of the eggs are on another slide.

    That's the problem. The egg slide doesn't see the variables change, because the changes happen elsewhere. To use "When variable changes" as the "when" for a trigger, the change has to happen on the same slide. 

    Instead, use a "when timeline starts" trigger with a condition that the associated variable = True. 

    Here's more info about conditions: 

  • It works!! Thank you!

    What I changed on both of the results slides:

    What I changed on the main slide:

  • Thanks so much for sharing what you changed within the trigger wizard! Glad to hear our Hero Judy was able to assist you! 

    Happy developing! 🎉