Forum Discussion
What's the purpose of the RISE checkbox lists?
I can't figure out the purpose of the RISE checkbox lists. As far as I can see when the user checks one, they are selected but no other actions occurs. In my view, a user would expect an action to occur in the course related to their selection, e.g. recommendations for further investigation of the checklist point, links to that part of the RISE lesson to review, link to a Storyline interaction, etc.
My first impression was that I would incorporate the objectives of the course into these checklists so learners could evaluate their command of the content using the checklist and be directed to where they could improve their skills/knowledge based ont heir checklist response.
Maybe I am not thinking of another useful attribute for these checklists. What do other use them for? Does it seem awkward to them that no action occurs based what the user checks? Am I missing something? Thank you.
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
I think it is selectable because it can be and has no purpose
You could use as a self checklist
Hi Robin,
Phil is spot on, that's exactly what I did in a course I made about packing and travel, as a self checklist for packing things I knew I need or things I wanted to remember. Here's just a screenshot of it.
We'd love to see the other creative ways you end up using it, or ideas you've got for ways in which we can enhance the feature!
- KristinSavkoCommunity Member
I was just playing around with giving sets of instructions for a project in Rise. I used those check boxes so that students could check off as they go along. In the instance I'm showing, it might not seem like too big of a deal, but as the steps get longer and more complicated, I think the checklist is a nice feature.
Nice example Kristin, and thanks for sharing! Is the checklist helpful for you as it is now, or are you looking to be able to do more with us, such as track what a user has clicked off or checked? If there's other ways you'd like to see this feature working, please let us know! We love to hear more about the creative ways your using Rise.
- KristinSavkoCommunity Member
Actually, in the case I'm thinking right now, I'm happy with it being just a step above a bulleted or numbered list. It's truly for the learner's benefit. In fact, we currently have printed checklists of steps for different skills, and I'm thinking this could be a great way to make those lists usefully electronic (as opposed to a .pdf, which other than being paperless, is offering no additional benefits.) With the Rise checklist, I could have "How to check blood pressure" and as students practice, they can check off the steps as they go.
At this point, I can't think of a reason why I would want those to be tracked as they are checked off. I could see where someone in corporate training (which I'm not), might need the additional functionality, but almost more as a survey than as a check for completion? We teach K-12...If we tracked something as complete by letting the student check a checkbox, too many students would take advantage of the system. ;)
What, K-12 students take advantage of something, nooo....never. ;-)
But it's really good feedback to have Kristin, so I appreciate you taking the time to share your specific use case. I like it as a checkbox too and had created a course using it as a Packing/Travel ready list - again, if you forget something on the list it won't matter if you checked it off or not.
Keep us posted on how your Rise courses go and would love to see anything that you're able to share!
- KristinSavkoCommunity Member
I will note though that it would be nice if the checkmarks at least saved until you close out of the lesson...or at minimum, saved when you move between sections. :)
- JamesWootenCommunity Member
I guess Kristin and I are coming at this from different directions. If my students (K-8) are checking off things online - I would like some action to occur. For example: currently, I give them a hard-copy printed list of objectives for the unit with 2 checkboxes besides each objective. One checkbox is under the column "Know Well" and the other "Need Work" so students can assess their own understanding and determine areas they need to work on more. In switching to digital format, I would put the objectives next to the RISE content related to those objectives and would love the RISE checklist to substitute for my paper self-assessment but with ACTIONS to take right then and there. Wouldn't it be great if they checked "Need Work" and up popped recommendations/links specific to that objective? Right when students saw a need - pop - there is a way to meet that need (the likelihood they'll go back is low so this gives a slight chance they will go on to a new, fun interactive way to learn what they are still unsure about). Tracking this would be an awesome formative assessment tool as I could easily spot trends and know where my students are having difficulty either as a group or individually.
Also - I would love to use the checklist to give my students choices regarding assignments etc. For example: would they rather show mastery by writing an explanation, making a model, putting together a video, or so on? Depending on which choice they clicked, I would love for links and/or explanations to pop up regarding the requirements etc for completing that choice of assignment. Having that as a pop up action when a checkbox is clicked keeps the overall look of the RISE content clean and minimal as opposed to having all the info there.
Or could I have a list of links I want the students to visit - after the student visits each one, the chekbox is checked off....
I am also always looking for ways to respond to my high achievers - what if I use a checklist as a way for them to signal their interest in pursuing an area further and based on that response, info, links, etc popped up??? You'd be surprised at the number of students who are interested and maybe even in which students are interested....
If I had a checklist on what careers related to my content, I could have videos or links pop up to give them further info on those careers based on their checklist responses.
Humor is a big motivator to my students - what if a snarky remark or cartoon appeared based on their checkmark?
What if another RISE block appeared as a result of a checkmark?
If there was more than one checkbox per text - I could use it as a quick survey if I could track answers. I could be immediately responsive to my students' needs!
In the digital world of e-learning including my storyline 360 modules - my students expect their actions to have a consequence and will be puzzled when nothing happens with a RISE checklist as it currently stands - it will be as if they've signaled something to me and I am not listening or do not care.
Static lists like packing lists and steps taken, I would most likely give as handouts personally or as a pdf to print, BUT with the ability to track RISE checkmark responses and have actions occur (links, videos, further content, etc) because of the students checkmarks - well, I could dream up all kinds of ways to inspire, amuse, respond, encourage, differentiate instruction, etc - the sky is the limit.... all the while keeping the beautiful simplicity and clean areas that makes RISE so compelling (and not overwhelming)...
So, please, please, please give us the ability to have an action occur because of RISE learner checkmarks - these are just my 2 minute thoughts on what I do with this ability. I guarantee all the bright minds who I see using Articulate 360 would come up with soooo much more. It would be very exciting.
- JamesWootenCommunity Member
Please know this does not meant that I don't appreciate the uses others have given for these checklists (great ideas which I will use) - I am just wanting more options.
- KristinSavkoCommunity Member
Yep! Our applications are certainly very different! I love hearing what others are doing! :)
- JamesWootenCommunity Member
Another way I would like to use a checkbox - as a bookmarking tool. This might work as is but would be great if there was a way students could rapidly go to all checked bookmarks or a list of bookmarks could be generated for them to pick from. This would be very helpful in my use of Rise as an interactive textbook.
Kristin and Robin, you two are on fire! Love all the idea generation and lots of good stuff in here for our product team to use as inspiration. Much appreciated, and I hope you have a fabulous weekend.