Forum Discussion

StoyanDimitrov's avatar
Community Member
9 days ago

Help with checkboxes


I am creating a training session in Articulate Storyline 360. I have a few quiz slides with checkboxes on them for questions where users need to select more than one correct response. Obviously, users can select their responses by clicking the checkboxes directly; however, I want to enable users to also select a response by clicking the text box appertaining to the respective checkbox. I was able to achieve that by applying the following trigger to the text box:

Set state of Check Box 5 to Selected

When the user clicks Text Box 5

Then I thought it would also be good to enable users to deselect the checkbox by clicking the text box again, just like they can deselect the checkbox if they click on it directly a second time. I applied the following trigger underneath the first one and associated with the same text box:

Set state of Check Box 5 to Normal

When the user clicks Text Box 5

If the state of Check Box 5 = Selected

The moment I apply the second trigger, neither trigger works any more: however much I click on the text box, the checkbox never gets selected. If I remove the second trigger, the first trigger works again.

Could you please help me? Thank you so much.

  • You can type into a checkbox which may mean you dont need to do this.

    Your first trigger needs a condition such as is not selected

    Then you will need to play with the triggers order, 

  • You can type into a checkbox which may mean you dont need to do this.

    Your first trigger needs a condition such as is not selected

    Then you will need to play with the triggers order, 

    • StoyanDimitrov's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you so much! I didn't even realize I could type within the checkbox. I'm so silly.