Forum Discussion

PattiMyers-d0c2's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Why are markers in Articulate 360 showing transparent on layers?

I have the latest version of Articluate 360 and have a markers with white fill on some slides. They work great, but if you select the marker when in layers, the marker fill becomes transparent and is overlapping text on layer.  I saw there was a discussion 5 years ago and it was a flash issue...  What is the fix for this now?

Please advise.



  • It would help a lot if you could attach your .story file, or at least a video of the problem in action.

    • JeffForrer's avatar
      Community Member

      It looks like your fill is transparent.  If you set your "Label Fill" to white or the color fill you desire, it should be ok.  At least it is from my end.  I am using version 3.68, however I believe it is just a fill issue?

  • What's strange is that I did put the color fill to white.  It shows with white background on base layer, but transparent on layers.  Any recommendations on how to fix?  See if you are seeing the same thing.


    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Patti,

      Thanks for reaching out! 

      It appears that you are being affected by a known bug that causes the fill of marker labels to become transparent when the text of the markers overlaps with text on the base layer. Making sure that there are no overlaps in the text of markers causes the behavior to disappear: 

      I added this thread to the bug report so we can notify you as soon as a fix is released. We're sorry for any inconvenience that this bug may have caused, and we'll be sure to let you know if we have any updates to share! 

      • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
        Community Member

        it's not an error with transparency, it an error of z-index

        if you define the fill color of the text on the layer you can see it

        the z-index of markers seems always between the base layer and the layer
        (even if you integrate the marker into a layer)

        @articulate: please update the implementation of marker - make them compatible with layers

  • Thank you!  Good to know it's not just me.  Ha!  I hope it gets fixed soon.  Recommended workaround in the mean time?


    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Patti,

      The recommended workaround is to make sure that the text in the markers do not overlap with other text in the slide as shown in my screenshot. I understand that this workaround might not be applicable to all of the text in your slides, so we'll keep you updated for any updates regarding this bug! 

  • Responding to this thread so I am notified of any solutions, I'm encountering the same issue. 

  • KristinMartin's avatar
    Community Member

    I ran into this too. A workaround is to put the items that are supposed to be on the layers, on the base layer. Not ideal, but works until the bug is fixed and the marker labels don't turn transparent.

  • I have a similar problem. I created a drag and drop activity and included markers to give learners hints & additional information. The maerker's label text is overlapping with the drag item. Although I gave the marker label a white fill (no transparency), the drag item shows through as if the label was transparent. Why does the marker not go over the other items? 
    All elements are on the same layer.