Forum Discussion
Working With SMEs
Personally I never want SMEs to write questions. It is too much too ask of people who don't do learning as their jobs. SMEs should help you define the goals and outcomes, but the instructional designer is the one who knows how to assess and evaluate. I do always have SMEs validate any assessments I create for content accuracy, but I have never had good luck with SMEs initially drafting assessments.
I actually approach scenarios similarly - I will interview SMEs about events and real-life situations, but I don't ask them to turn those into narrative scenarios for me. I write the scenario based on what I have learned in the interviews, and then the SMEs check for accuracy. They usually do find things I need to change, but the process of me writing and them validating is much faster and smoother than the other way around. In my experience, SMEs are typically grateful for this arrangement - they know that they are not teaching experts, and are glad for that support.
Hi Peggy,
I agree with everything Sally said! :)
I never ask SMEs to write scenarios, objectives, assessment questions, etc. They assist me in defining the project goals, and they evaluate the content I create for accuracy.
Many times SMEs are focused on trying to include everything they know on a given subject, rather than focusing on the behavioral change desired.