Forum Discussion

KarenScott-003a's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Wrapping Text in Data Entry Fields

I am creating a course that is a simulation of one of our companies programs. For one of the slides, I want users to input information. I have added data entry fields for those pieces. Instead of keeping the "type your text here" instructions, I have input our own instructions around what the learner should be entering. When I am creating the module, the text I have added looks great and the text moves to a second line when needed. In preview mode, however, is where the problem comes in. Not only does my instructional text get cut off, but when the learner is inputting their information, the text just continues in one continuous line. Is there any way to fix both of these issues? I've attached an image of what a learner would see. I've scoured the internet and cannot find anything helpful. OR if there is a better way to have these fields rather than data entry, I am open to that as well!

  • Hi Karen,

    Thanks for reaching out!
    I'm sorry that you ran into a bug where a text entry box with a height less than 60 px doesn't wrap and shows text centered vertically. I've attached this conversation to the report. We'll be sure to update the thread with any news or updates so you are in the loop. 
    Feel free to share your .story file in this thread or privately within a support case. We can take a closer look and see if there is a possible workaround for your specific project with those two issues you're experiencing! 
  • Hi, Karen!

    I have some great news to share. We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Update 76, we’ve included important fixes and new features!

    One enhancement we’ve included:

    Data-entry fields wrap text to multiple lines based on the “wrap text” option rather than the height of the field. You no longer need to make the height more than 60 pixels.

    To take advantage of this update, launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer, and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You'll find our step-by-step instructions here.

    Please let me know if you need additional help!