Forum Discussion

Alison-L's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Yes. Yes. I did. -- October 25, 2022

November 3, 2022- we're re'orging and... (the 2 ppl with with the M.Ed and the other with the PhDEd0) heads to role. "Data and Digital Marketing. That'll what the BBB wants. And that's it. (poof)

At the time, they had me shoveling content into Rise. I thought I would share what @DavidAnderson said last week at DevLearn so you aren't wasting your time (even though you are)...

He said if you track how long you shovel content, and then the time-to-read, you can say "I made x [amount of] content in y time." Unfortunately, I just started this week. Which only lasted 3 days. But maybe it's metric you can use for the little resume gems.

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