Microlearning Distribution

Mar 14, 2023

I was attended the Getting Started with Microlearning in Rise 360 today, 3/14/2023, and had a question that David and Ginger unfortunately did not get to address.
It is not an urgent question, but more of a "nice to know" question. Are plans to be able to get the created microlearning courses to users and be able to track, etc.? Or will they still need to be uploaded to our existing LMSs to assign and track?
5 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Gary,

A Microlearning is really just a Rise course with a single Lesson.

Think of a Rise course (and a Microlearning) as a "read-only-file" that contains instructional content. Once exported the course can't be modified or added to.

For this reason you can't (and shouldn't) save student tracking data to the static course content.

To save tracking data per student you would need to host the course within a system (like a LMS) that is capable of saving tracking data in individual student accounts.