Rise Course Content not Importing into SAP Successfactors

Jun 24, 2021

Hello all, I am having trouble importing a Rise course into my SAP SuccessFactors LMS. I receive a message saying "Imported zip does not have valid content files." When I check the file contents I have the following:







Any thoughts, I've attached two images that show the issue.

12 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Brandon,

Our team has been working to nail down why Rise 360 zipped SCORM packages don't upload successfully for you in SuccessFactors. I know this has been a frustration for a while now, and we want to do all we can to resolve it. We've even partnered with administrators at SuccessFactors for testing, and they haven't been able to reproduce the error yet. We'd love to get your help. 

The zipped file linked below is a Rise 360 template (ADA Compliance for Employees) exported as SCORM 1.2. I did not unzip/rezip this package after it was exported. 

Can you please try uploading the package linked below to your SuccessFactors account and let me know if it uploads successfully? Here's what I see from my account. 

I'll be standing by! Thank you! 

File download link: ada-compliance-for-managers-scorm12-DV3mV27U.zip

Lucy Hood

Hi, I'm currently facing this issue with a Rise course not uploading into successfactors.

We've recently uploaded a lot of the "real content" from articulate, and that has worked just fine. And we've also successfully uploaded our own internally built content many times before also...
However on one recent module it is just refusing to accept it - coming up with the same message described at the outset of this thread.

I've rebuilt the whole course, done all the zipping and unzipping and re-zipping that i can, and still no joy! I've tested it in SCORM Cloud and it worked just fine :(

Any help would be MUCH appreciated!

Ben Clatworthy

Hi all,

Experienced a very similar problem when making an update to a Rise Course and then trying to upload SCORM to SF.

One quirk our team discovered is that all embedded filenames of images and videos need to be less than 15 characters (inc. spaces) otherwise we get an error when trying to import the SCORM as a content object - This wasn't always the case so may have been a system update at SF end.

I more recently discovered this problem expands further in that if you replace an image or video in a pre-existing course, the SCORM will be rejected by SF if any pre-existing images or videos exceed the 15 character rule (despite them being uploaded historically with no issues).

I managed to fix the problem by renaming all embedded content using less than 15 characters and then re-embedding them into the course. If you can't find the original images you can always unzip the SCORM and obtain them from the scormcontent -> assets folder.

Hope this solves your problem!

Kelly Auner

Hi, Steven!

Lucy might not be subscribed to this discussion, but you're welcome to contact them directly through their profile by clicking on their name and selecting Contact Me. Alternatively, we'd be happy to assist you. Since this is a bit of an older post, would you be willing to share specific details of what issue you're having? If you prefer to work with our team privately in a case, you can submit a case here.