
Video Tutorials

Overview of Quiz and Results Slides in Storyline 360


See what learners know with compelling quizzes that also help them build their skills. In this webinar, we’ll cover how to construct assessments, surveys, custom interactions, and results slides using Storyline 360’s quizzing and convert-to-freeform features.


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Now that you know how quiz and results slides work in Storyline 360, it’s time to put those skills into practice. Here are some suggested activities to help you get started working with quiz and results slides using the QuizzingResults_PRACTICE.story file from the downloads:

  • Practice 01: You have two exercises for this first activity. Insert a multiple choice graded question using the question and choices on slide 1.1. Modify the number of attempts, shuffle, and other options to see how they affect the quiz. Next, insert a multiple select graded quiz using the question and choices on slide 1.3. Customize the feedback text for the correct and incorrect feedback.
  • Practice 02: In this activity, you’ll practice working with freeform questions. Begin by converting slide 2.1 to a Pick One freeform interaction. Modify the number of attempts, scoring, and feedback for the quiz. 
  • Practice 03: Convert slide 3.1 to a Pick Many interaction. Modify the options and notice what’s different between the Pick Many and Pick One interactions.
  • Practice 04: Let’s try a drag-and-drop interaction. Convert slide 4.1 to a freeform drag-and-drop interaction. Modify the options and especially the Drag & Drop Options to control how the objects appear, snap into place, and more.
  • Practice 05: Import the Excel Quiz Questions.xls by going to Slide > Import Questions and insert them into Scene 5.
  • Practice 06: Now it’s time to work with results slides. Insert a Graded Results Slide at the end of each scene. Notice how Storyline automatically adds the questions from each scene into the results slides? For Scene 6 Practice 06, insert a Graded Results Slide. Rename the slide FINAL RESULTS and add the quiz results slides from each of the other scenes.


Updated 17 days ago
Version 2.0