
Video Tutorials

Storyline 3: Submitting Answers All at Once

By default, question slides in Storyline 3 have a Submit button, meaning each question will be submitted one at a time for evaluation and feedback.

But what if you want all the questions to be submitted at the same time at the end of the quiz? You can do that, too. Just change the navigation controls from Submit buttons to Prev/Next buttons.

Changing the Submission Method for Question Bank Slides

  1. If your question slides are in a question bank, open the question bank for editing. There are two ways to open a question bank:
    • Go to the Slides tab on the ribbon, click Question Banks, and select the question bank you want to edit.
    • In Story View, go to the Home tab on the ribbon, click Question Banks, and select the question bank you want to edit.
  2. When the question bank editor opens, select the first slide, then use the Slide Properties panel in the lower right corner to mark the Prev/Next boxes and uncheck the Submit box.
  3. Select the next slide in the question bank and repeat step 2 until the navigation controls have been changed for all slides.

Changing the Submission Method for Standalone Question Slides

  1. If your question slides aren't in a question bank, switch to Story View.
  2. Select all your question slides. Use Shift+Click for consecutive slides or Ctrl+Click for non-consecutive slides.
  3. Use the Slide Properties panel in the lower right corner to mark the Prev/Next boxes and uncheck the Submit box. All selected slides will be changed at the same time.

Warning Learners About Skipping Questions

When you use Prev and Next buttons for navigation, it's easy for learners to skip questions without answering them. If they reach the result slide without answering all the questions, it'll negatively impact their scores.

You may want to warn learners about skipping questions and ask them to confirm that they're ready to submit their answers before jumping to the result slide.

Published 9 years ago
Version 1.0