
Video Tutorials

Storyline 360: Hiding the Player Frame for a Chromeless Design

Want to turn off all the player features and hide the player frame to give your course a chromeless look? Storyline 360 can help with that! Here’s how.

How to Hide the Modern Player

It’s super easy to hide the modern player frame. Just go to the Home tab on the Storyline ribbon, click Player, then set the Menus & Controls option to Off. That’s it!

Your course won’t have a player at all. You’ll just see a background color behind your course, depending on the player theme you selected.

When you turn off the menus and controls, it overrides the previous, next, and submit buttons for each slide in your course. And since your slides won’t have any built-in navigation buttons, be sure to add your own custom navigation features, such as buttons, links, or hotspots.

How to Hide the Classic Player

The Menus & Controls property described above only applies to the modern player. It’s grayed-out for the classic player. You can still hide the classic player frame. It just takes more work than the modern player. Follow these steps.

Step 1: Turn Off the Player Features

  1. Go to Home tab on the Storyline ribbon and click Player.
  2. Go to the Features tab on the ribbon and uncheck all the player options.

Step 2: Make the Player Border Transparent

  1. Also in the player properties, click Colors & Effects on the ribbon.
  2. Click the link to Show advanced color editing.
  3. From the Edit item drop-down list, select the following items and make them 100% transparent.
    • Base >> Main Background
    • Base >> Main Border
    • Base >> Slide Background

Step 3: Turn Off the Previous, Next, and Submit Buttons for Each Slide

By default, each slide in Storyline will either have previous and next buttons or a submit button. You'll need to turn them off to make your player completely invisible.

  1. Go to Story View.
  2. Press Ctrl+A twice to select all the slides in your course.
  3. Uncheck the Prev, Next, and Submit boxes in the slide properties panel, and make sure all the player features are also unchecked.

Be sure to add your own custom navigation features to each slide, such as buttons, links, or hotspots.

Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0

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