Video Tutorials
Storyline 3: Understanding How PowerPoint Animations and Transitions Are Imported
When you import a PowerPoint presentation into Storyline 3, these PowerPoint animations and transitions are supported in Storyline 3:
Entrance |
Exit |
Motion |
Slide/Layer |
Ascend Bounce Box Circle Descend Diamond Fade Float In Fly In Grow and Turn Plus Random Bars Shape Spinner Split Swivel Wheel Wipe Zoom |
Ascend Bounce Box Circle Descend Diamond Fade Float Out Fly Out Plus Random Bars Shape Shrink and Turn Spinner Split Swivel Wheel Wipe Zoom |
Arc Circle Custom Equal Triangle Line Square Trapezoid Turn |
Blinds Box Checkerboard Circle Clock Cover Diamond Dissolve Fade Newsflash Plus Push Random Bars Shape Split Uncover Zoom |
How Are Unsupported PowerPoint Animations and Transitions Handled?
- Entrance and exit animations not listed above will be imported into Storyline 3 as Fade animations.
- Emphasis animations aren't supported in Storyline 3 and will be ignored.
- Motion path animations not listed above will be ignored in Storyline 3.
- Slide transitions not listed above will be ignored in Storyline 3.
Published 9 years ago
Version 1.0