ai assistant
137 TopicsRequest for Feature to Export All Text-to-Speech Scripts in Storyline 360
Are there any plans to develop a feature in Storyline 360 that allows users to export all text-to-speech (TTS) scripts used in a project into a single document, such as a Word file. Currently, it is quite time-consuming to manually copy the TTS text from each slide, especially for projects with a large number of slides. Having an option to automatically compile all TTS scripts into one document would greatly enhance productivity and streamline the workflow for many users. Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to any updates or potential solutions you might have. Best regards, Elvira26Views3likes4CommentsAI assistent storyline
Hello everyone, Recently I followed the webinar AI assisten in Storyline. Now i was wondering of the functions allso work in other languages like Dutch or German? So is the AI assistent capable to check for spelling and grammer in Dutch? Is the AI assistant able to adapt texts written in Dutch into smaller and more logical texts? Or is everything only working in English at the moment? Let me know!, Kind regards, Glenn14Views0likes1CommentAI Text to Speech with 11 Labs
I'd like to know more about the new AI text to speech related to security and privacy. Do you use 11 Labs technology or are you outsourcing the work to 11 Labs? In other words, does 11 Labs have access to our content if we use the AI text to speech functionality?18Views0likes1CommentAI Audio + Pronunciation + Correct Closed Captions
I'm having an issue with the new AI Audio feature in Storyline, as it relates to pronunciation and generating CCs. In the past, using Text-to-Speech, I often needed the voice to pronounce something differently than how the word appeared. I'd generate and insert the voiceover with "Generate Closed Captions" checked: "Welcome to Brivo." Then I'd go back into that voiceover, change the words to phonetic spelling according to how I needed them pronounced, uncheck "Generate Closed Captions," and insert: "Welcome to Breevo." This would result in correct CCs and correct pronunciation. The audio would state "Welcome to Breevo" while the CCs would read "Welcome to Brivo." I'm unable to duplicate this workflow using AI Audio. When I uncheck "generate CCs," it simply does not insert any CCs at all. I'm left having to waste so much time generating and re-generating audio in hopes that it randomly pronounces all my words correctly. Has anyone figured out a workaround for this issue? Am I just not using the tool correctly?22Views0likes1CommentHow to Embed and Track YouTube Videos in Articulate Storyline Projects
Here’s a step-by-step guide to embedding a YouTube video in Articulate Storyline with the video controls hidden, the video fitting the web object, and tracking video completion: Step 1: Prepare the HTML File Create an HTML File: Open a text editor (e.g., Notepad, VS Code) and paste the provided HTML code into a new file. Save this file as video.html. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body, html { margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; /* Hides the scroll bar */ } #player { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="player"></div> <script> // Load the IFrame Player API code asynchronously var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = ""; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); var player; function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() { player = new YT.Player('player', { videoId: 'RBtnt1fvpgA', // Replace with your video ID playerVars: { 'enablejsapi': 1, 'controls': 0, 'modestbranding': 1, 'rel': 0, 'showinfo': 0, 'iv_load_policy': 3 }, events: { 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange } }); } function onPlayerStateChange(event) { if ( == YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { // Video has ended, trigger a Storyline event parent.postMessage('videoEnded', '*'); } } </script> </body> </html> *Replace 'RBtnt1fvpgA' with your YouTube video's ID. Step 2: Embed the HTML in Articulate Storyline Add a Web Object: Open your project in Articulate Storyline. Go to the slide where you want to add the video. Click Insert > Web Object. Choose to link to a local file and browse to your video.html file. Set the web object's dimensions to fit your slide and ensure it matches the aspect ratio of your video. Position the Web Object: Resize and position the web object to fit neatly within your slide layout. Ensure that the web object size matches the desired video display size to avoid scroll bars. Step 3: Track Video Completion Create a Variable: Create a new variable in Storyline, e.g., VideoComplete of type True/False. Set the initial value to False. Add JavaScript to Track Completion: Go to the slide with the video. Add a trigger to execute JavaScript when the timeline starts. function receiveMessage(event) { if ( === 'videoEnded') { var player = GetPlayer(); player.SetVar('VideoComplete', true); } } window.addEventListener('message', receiveMessage, false); Completion Trigger: Add a trigger to perform an action (e.g., jump to the next slide, show a layer, or complete the course) when VideoComplete is True. Step 4: Test and Publish Test the Interaction: Preview your slide to ensure the video plays, controls are hidden, and the video fits the web object without scroll bars. Publish the Course: Once everything is working correctly, publish your course. If you're tracking completion via an LMS, ensure that the tracking settings are configured correctly.3Views0likes0CommentsAll AI Voices Preview Page?
Is there a publicly available page where all of the Storyline AI voices can be previewed? I need to get a majority verdict from our staff on which couple of voices to use going forward in all our eLearning. I can obviously add all 52 AI voices to a demo Storyline and publish to Review360 but surely someone else has done this before or maybe Articulate have a demo page somewhere?22Views0likes2CommentsAI Assistant: Building Effective Quizzes and Knowledge Checks
Developing a good quiz or knowledge check is essential for assessing and reinforcing learning. But, as every course author knows, it’s also time-consuming. Designing questions that are clear, relevant, and aligned with your learning objectives isn't easy. Effortless Quizzes Available in Rise 360 and Storyline 360, AI Assistant’s quiz generation feature allows you to create a full quiz based on existing lessons in just a few clicks. Rise 360 In Rise 360, select Quiz generation from the AI Assistant dropdown menu within the course overview page. Customize your questions via prompt—set a focus topic, learning objective, and level of difficulty—or skip directly to quiz generation. Once the quiz is generated, you can open it to see more options, such as adding or editing questions. Editing your quiz allows you to use AI Assistant to fine-tune the questions, answer choices, and feedback. For example, you can prompt AI Assistant to turn a multiple choice question into a multiple response and add more answer choices. You can also change the learning objective or increase the difficulty level. If you want to edit the question feedback, you can do so with the write and edit inline feature. Simply select the feedback text you want to modify and click the sparkle icon in the floating toolbar to start editing with AI Assistant. You have the option to generate new questions from here as well. Please note that Fill in the Blank and Matching question types are currently not supported. Storyline 360 In Storyline 360, select the Quiz icon in the AI Assistant menu from the ribbon or click the Generate quiz button from the AI Assistant tab in the side panel. Select all or just specific scenes and slides as a reference, and then enter a prompt to customize the questions. You can also skip customization to generate the questions in a new slide or a question bank. When you choose the latter, AI Assistant will create a new question bank and insert a new slide draw from it. For best results, specify your learning objectives or ask AI Assistant to focus on a topic or difficulty level. The underlying AI model can have difficulty fulfilling requests for a specific number of questions, but you can use the word count of your text content to determine how many questions are generated. Initially, AI Assistant splits text content into segments of 1,000 words each, with a maximum of seven segments. If your text content exceeds 7,000 words, AI Assistant splits them evenly over seven segments to stay within the limit. Each segment returns two questions, so you’ll always get at least two questions, up to a maximum of 14, depending on the total word count. Once the quiz has been generated, you can continue to refine it by adding, deleting, or editing questions. AI Assistant will also generate a link that you can easily click to jump to the newly created questions. Note that when you replace a question after editing, the original question slide will be deleted and a new slide added with the new question. Any other objects or custom triggers on the original question slide will be lost. To prevent that loss, choose the Insert below option and then copy and paste objects into the new slide before deleting the original question slide. Single Question Generation To insert a single question as a knowledge check, select the Question icon from the ribbon or click the Generate question button in the side panel. Select all or just specific slides as a reference, and then enter a topic. AI Assistant generates a full question draft that you can modify using custom prompts. Get creative in providing additional directions for AI Assistant to follow, or try some of the following prompts: Adjust the difficulty level Change the Bloom’s Taxonomy level Change the tone and target audience Change the question type from multiple choice to multiple response, or vice versa You also have the option to choose one of the prebuilt prompts—either Change focus or Add an answer. Once you’re satisfied with the draft, click Insert to generate the question. Pro tip: To add interactivity, try a freeform question. Just copy the question draft and cancel the quiz generation process. Paste the content into a new slide, make adjustments, and then convert the slide into a freeform question. Quick Knowledge Checks Available only in Rise 360, a knowledge check block can be generated based on the current lesson. Go to the AI Assistant menu in the upper right and then choose Generate knowledge check when you’re inside a lesson. You can also find this option in the block library under the Knowledge Check menu. AI Assistant will generate a full draft, which you can modify with prompts. Prompt AI Assistant to make the changes you want, such as changing the learning objective, difficulty level, or question type—from multiple choice to multiple response, or vice versa. You also have the option to choose prebuilt prompts, like changing the focus or answer choices. Once you’ve finalized the question, click the Insert block button below the draft. Your knowledge check is inserted at the bottom of the page. Anytime you need to modify the block, simply hover over it and click AI Block Tools (the sparkle icon) on the left. You can select Edit with AI to edit the knowledge check using AI Assistant’s block editing feature. Video Tutorials Want to learn more before getting started? Check out our video tutorials for additional guidance on using AI Assistant to generate quizzes and knowledge checks. Create AI-generated Quizzes in Rise 360 Create AI-generated Knowledge Checks in Rise 360 Create AI-generated Questions in Storyline 360 Articulate 360 Training also has additional video tutorials on using other AI Assistant features. Use AI Assistant features in Rise 360 Use AI Assistant features in Storyline 360 You must be logged in to your Articulate 360 account to watch the videos. Don’t have an account yet? Sign up for a free trial now!1.1KViews1like0CommentsReset question slide when incorrect answer and resume saved state when correct answer:
Hi there, How do I program my question slides to resume saved state when the question is answered correctly and to reset when the question is answered incorrectly? At the moment I have the base slide properties set to 'reset initial state'. They get the answer wrong, I take them back to review something, and they land back on the same question (which has reset) to attempt again. They get it right and can move on but ... if they happen to navigate back to that same question after getting it right, I want it to resume the saved state of the correctly answered question, not reset. I've tried so many options with variables on the base and correct and incorrect layers that I've just confused myself. I'm sure there is a simple solution here. Please advise. Many thanks in advance40Views0likes3CommentsAI assistant
Is there a way to specify how many questions you want the AI assistant to create for a quiz and what type of question? (T/F, M/C, M/S). So far, when I ask it to build a quiz, it only creates 2 or 3 questions and then I have to go back and do question by question on selected slides.19Views0likes1Comment