Automatic page numbering feature

Feb 03, 2018

I know this hasn't been added yet, but really, how hard can it be to add a feature inside of storyline that will look at the "story view" determine how many slides in the course and then a gizmo that you can put on the page anywhere you want that will show the following:  Page X of X.

It seems the last request was 4 years ago!! I've done it with a variable but it isn't the easiest.

8 Replies
Katie Riggio

Thanks for your post, Larry!

Automatic slide numbering is an excellent and popular feature request, in which I've added your thread to its report. I also wanted to share how we manage such great ideas we gather from the community  – and based on that article, we can appreciate your frustration and have advocated for this feature on your behalf!

As always, we'd love to hear more how this or another feature could drastically impact your workflow and course development here, or in a feature request here! 🙂

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Katie Riggio

Hi Mr. Brown!

Thanks for writing in!

Slide numbers are exclusive to Storyline 360 right now, so there isn't a way to add them to new Storyline 3 projects. However, you can open Storyline 360 projects with slide numbers in Storyline 3.

A few ideas to accomplish adding slide numbers in Storyline 3:

Check those out, and let us know if you have any questions!

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