Video thumbnail oddly pixelated and discolored

Sep 13, 2022

I've noticed the fantastic image quality of the thumbnails on your stock courses, but I can't seem to replicate that on my own courses. When I upload a video into Rise, the self generated thumbnail of the first second of the video is pixelated with a wonky color. It looks awful. That's not the way the Rise stock courses look. What am I not doing? What video settings or export settings need to be used to have my videos look as good in Rise as they do out of Rise?

(examples - How to Stick to Your Goals - Rise stock course - looks great, other video image is my course and looks horrible)

19 Replies
Luciana Piazza

Hello Kim,

Thanks so much for reaching out! Sorry to hear you are running into pixelated video thumbnails. I understand your frustration!

I see that you opened a support case and you are working with my colleague Robert. Great call! You are in good hands. 

We'll continue the conversation over in the support case.

Hope you have a great day and happy developing! ✨

Lea Agato

Hi, Liyana! Sorry to hear you're having this issue with your video thumbnail in Rise. We'd be more than happy to troubleshoot your course so we can provide you with the appropriate solution. Would you mind opening a support case here? Our customer support engineers will reach out and work with you directly to resolve your issue. 

Alyssa Gomez

Hi there, Peter! One possible reason you're seeing degraded thumbnail quality in your uploaded videos is that the video is being "stretched" to display larger than its original resolution. We can validate this by taking a closer look at the video file you've uploaded to Rise 360. You can share that video file with us by opening a case here, and we'll delete it as soon as we're done testing! 

Eric Santos

Hello Solon and Dorsa,

I'm sorry for the trouble with the video thumbnails in your Rise 360 courses; I'm happy to help! Can you confirm the aspect ratio of the videos? We recommend using 16:9 for the best results.

If the issue persists, could I have you connect with us in a case so we can determine what's happening? We'll reach out soon after we hear from you.

Kim Merritt

Wow! I posted this issue on September 13, 2022. When no one through this method could figure this out, we talked face to face with Victor Reyes at Dev Learn back in October 2023 about this. It's still not fixed. It has never worked. I'd love it to work, especially since it works just fine for your videos in your Rise courses. Maybe you and Victor can get together and figure this out. Hopefully in less than another year. 

Jose Tansengco

Hi Daile,

Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue. We're still working on the bug affecting Rise 360 users where the color of a video thumbnail is a few shades off from the actual video. Can I ask if this is the problem you're currently encountering? 

If not, please open a case with our support team here so we can request a copy of your course for testing. Looking forward to hearing from you! 

Scroll down to begin

Daile, there's still no fix for this from Articulate.

I've been using a workaround where I go into the exported zip files and manually replace the cover photo with a different file (you'll need to delete the old cover photo, and replace it with the exact same file name). It's a slow process, but seems to be working. 

I've also noticed when I insert video files into Rise it seems to increase the file size. I was running into issues where our LMS wasn't accepting the Rise packets because the files were too large. When I clicked into the files, the video files were 20% or so larger than what I had inserted (ex: a video file that was 68KB was in the zip file as 85KB). So in addition to replacing the JPG cover photos, I am also going in and manually replacing the MP4 files in the exported zip with the originals. I've tested and everything works, but it's a lot of manual work for me to insert the video into Rise, wait for it to process, wait for it to export, unzip and swap out files and re-zip. Especially since each of our course lessons needs to be exported separately.  I'm not sure what in Rise is causing the files to bloat like that.
Levon Trettin
Nick Elzy

I just encountered this issue yesterday.  I developed a microlearning and the video I inserted looks great when playing, but the thumbnail image is grainy.  It clears up immediately once you click play, which is good, but I don't like a poor quality image as my thumbnail.  I'm using 16:9 ratio.  I've done a ton of short courses like this before and never had the issue until now.  

Attached is an example.

Peter Locke

Also noting that when the video has played and the thumbnail displays again at the end, the colours of the thumbnail somehow have been corrected. Refreshing the page, the thumbnail image reverts to the discoloured version before playing the video. Weird.

"Scroll down to begin" - check out  Rise 360: Best Practices for Images, Videos, and Audio for details how to insert videos and avoid the Rise compression.