Can I change a thumbnail on a video?

Jul 30, 2019

Right now it is showing a black screen, is there a way to add a thumbnail image from my video as the cover instead of a black screen?


158 Replies
Michelle Schrader

I too am working on a project with several videos embedded on slides and am getting a blank screen. Picking a thumbnail would be most useful.

In the meantime, I played/paused the video then took a screenshot of the opening scene. Then put the video on a layer and added a trigger to the base layer to show the layer with user clicks the image. And finally, I added a text box stating to click the image to play the video. 

Ruth Mahoney


I am using Rise and have a black screen on 2 of the video uploads and a thumbnail or first screen displaying on the third video. I would like it to be consistent and have thumbnails start screens on all my videos uploaded into Rise. 

Have tried editing in Replay but it won't let me import the video says its not a recognised file format.

How can I set the video to show a start screen and not black please?



Brendan Butler

From my experience, if your video fades up at the beginning you'll have either a blank black or white frame - not ideal, agreed. A simple solution would be to trim the fade (usually just the first second or two) from the video. You can even use PowerPoint to do this if you don't have any fancy video editing software. Rise should now display whatever is the start point of the video which now will be an image rather than a blank. If you want to show an alternative image simply put the desired image as a single frame at the very start of your video - you'll probably need that fancy editing software at this point. Good luck.   

Michele Valkov

This is still a big problem. Professional videos often build from a blank screen to a graphic. It ruins the video opening to start on a frame that it’s not supposed.
Hard to believe that this function can’t be easily added. It’s in everything from InDesign to Vimeo. Very simple to create a poster creation function.
Please expedite: our courses look unprofessional only because of that one item.

Thanks much,

Michele Valkov | Sr. Learning Experience Producer | Visa University Productions
M 720 355 5590 | O 303 389 7928 | E
