In Engage 360, you can choose animations, border styles, sound effects, and fonts for each interaction you build.

Click Interaction Properties on the Engage ribbon, then click the Colors and Effects tab on the left side of the window that appears. Make the following selections and click OK to save your changes. (See this user guide learn about theme colors.)

Step Animations

Choose how steps animate throughout your interaction. Select one of the following from the Animate steps drop-down list:

  • Full: This means each transition is fully animated. When learners move through your interaction, elements move into place in succession.
  • Fade: This means elements fade into place in succession (rather than moving).
  • Appear: This means elements for each step appear all at once; the screen doesn't build with fades or animated movements.

Media Borders

Choose the Media border style for images and videos in your interaction:

  • Rounded Corners: This gives your media slightly rounded corners and a shadow.
  • Drop Shadow: This adds a shadow and a thin border to your media.
  • None: This displays your media without any shadows or borders.

Sound Effects

Choose when you want to hear sound effects. Select an option from the Play sound effects drop-down list:

  • No sound effects
  • On click
  • On hover and click

Fonts and Text Quality

  • Choose a Title font. The title font is used for the title of your interaction and the title of each step.
  • Choose a Content font. The content font is used for the details of each step in your interaction.
  • Choose the Text Quality for your interaction. We recommend using modern text, which is a completely new text-rendering engine in Engage 360 that allows text to flow beautifully with consistent spacing and readability on every device. Learn more about modern text.

    New interactions automatically use modern text. Existing interactions use classic text by default, but you can switch at any time by selecting Modern from the Text Quality drop-down list.