6 Rise 360 Block Types to Use to Compare and Contrast Concepts
Comparing and contrasting concepts—and noting their similarities and differences—is a common technique for helping learners understand new things. After all, learning is all about making connections, isn’t it?
If you’re looking for ideas for ways to help your learners understand how two or more concepts are related—or unrelated—you’re in the right place! In this article, I’ll show you a few different block types you can use in your Rise 360 courses for just this purpose.
1. Tabs
Tabs are one of the most common blocks designers use for compare and contrast activities. And that’s because they’re both simple and effective—allowing learners to toggle between the concepts as needed.
Here’s an example:
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2. Flashcard Stacks
Another option for comparing and contrasting two concepts is to put them on either side of a flashcard. Much like with tabs, this allows learners to flip back and forth between the two as needed. The difference here is that with a flashcard stack, you can have them compare multiple sets of concepts—one set at a time.
Here’s an example where learners compare before and after statements, to give you an idea of what that might look like:
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3. Flashcard Grids
If you want learners to be able to see the things they’re comparing all at once, you could opt for flashcard grids instead of the flashcard stack. They work in much the same way except that instead of being piled on top of one another, they appear side by side.
Here’s an example of what that might look like:
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4. Image Grids
Another block type that works well for side-by-side comparisons are image grids. With image grids, all the information learners need to know is laid out in front of them, which allows them to take it all in at once.
Here’s an example of a situation where you might want to choose this option:
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5. Accordions
If you have more than two concepts to compare and you’re worried about overwhelming your learner, an accordion block is a good option. With the accordion block, learners can open each tab one at a time or all at once—depending on what’s most helpful for them.
Here’s an example of an accordion block being used for that purpose:
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6. Tables
For times when you want learners to be able to compare a long list of criteria, tables are a great option. They help organize your content into a more digestible and scannable format, making it easier for learners to spot the differences quickly.
For example, if learners need to be able to quickly compare the characteristics of multiple products and decide which one is the best fit for a given client or situation, you could make a table like the one below:
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More Resources
Hopefully these ideas have your creative juices flowing! And remember, these are not the only blocks you can use for comparing and contrasting—just a few examples. If you’ve used other blocks for this purpose, I’d love to hear about it—or even better, see an example! Just leave me a comment below.
Looking for more creative ways to use blocks in your Rise 360 courses? Check out these articles:
- 7 Creative Ways to Use Images in Rise 360 Courses
- 5 Different Ways to Create Scenarios in Rise 360
- 3 Creative Ways to Incorporate Your Logo into a Rise 360 Course
Want to try using these blocks in your courses, but don’t have Rise 360? Start a free 30-day trial of Articulate 360, and come back to E-Learning Heroes regularly for more helpful advice on everything related to e-learning.