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Challenge Recaps

31 Examples of Progress Indicators in E-Learning #368

DavidAnderson's avatar
3 years ago

Showing Progress in E-Learning RECAP #368: Challenge | Recap

This week’s challenge asked course designers to share creative ways to show how progress indicators can give learners visual feedback to track how far they’ve come in your course—and see how far they’ve yet to go.

Helen Dudley

Example | Helen Dudley | Website

Rebecca Grundhoefer

Example | Rebecca Grundhoefer

Kristi Powitzky

Example | Kristi Powitzky

Kandice Kidd

Example | Kandice Kidd

Filip Ječný

Example | Filip Ječný | Website

Valerie Thompson

Example | Valerie Thompson

Roy Phillips

Example | Roy Phillips

Coraline Rasset

Example | Coraline Rasset

Danny Benton

Example | Learn more | Danny Benton | Website

Samuel Apata

Example | Download | Samuel Apata | Website | @afrostem

Ron Katz

Example | Learn more & download | Ron Katz | Website

Samuel Apata

Example | Download | Samuel Apata | Website | @afrostem

Jodi M. Sansone

Example | Jodi M. Sansone | Website | @jodimsansone

Jackie Van Nice

Example | Blog | Jackie Van Nice | Website | @jackietrains 

Sharon Plunk

Example | Sharon Plunk

Daniel Cañaveral

Example | Learn more | Daniel Cañaveral


Example | Thierry EMMANUEL

Hannah Radant

Example | Hannah Radant | Website

Jeffrey Riley

Example | Learn more | Jeffrey Riley | Website

Dennis Gifford

Example | Dennis Gifford

Mark Hopper

Example | Mark Hopper


Example | Thierry EMMANUEL

Alison Sollars

Example | Alison Sollars | Website

Example | Alison Sollars | Website

Amelia Altstadt

Example | Amelia Altstadt

Abby Walden

Example | Abby Walden

Karin Lorbeck

Example | Karin Lorbeck

Yekaterina Martynova

Example | Yekaterina Martynova

Sharlene Daley

Example | Sharlene Daley

Jeffrey Riley

Example | Download | Jeffrey Riley | Website

Jared Speight

Example | Jared Speight

New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure. 

If you share your demos on Twitter, please include #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.

Share Your Progress Indicator Examples!

The 2022 progress indicator challenge is still open! If you have one or more ideas you'd like to share, please jump over to the original challenge and post your links in the comments section. I'll update this recap page to include your examples.

Published 3 years ago
Version 1.0